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关于达尔文的进化论 -- bystander - (987 Byte) 2005-2-11 周五, 下午8:12 (288 reads) |
芦笛 [博客] [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 31797
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作者:芦笛 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
"故以暂时所知而言,我们只能说进化论的假设既不能被证实,也不能被证伪。相信老马说的是这个意思吧?! "
I do not believe he meant that. He, he.
"但是,未找到达尔文说的所谓missing link,只能够说未有足够证据“支持”进化论的假设,跟该假设是否可以被“证伪”不是一回事。除非在fossil record中发现有违反进化规律的证据,才可以说进化论可以被证伪。"
I totally agree. That was I meant to say, though not pretty clear. However, it is said that recently, fossil studies suggest that species appeared in a fasion like explosion, instead of gradual evolution. This, in my view, has formed a serious challenge to Darwinism.
Thanks for your quoataion, but I do not think what Darwin says here means:
You can say he was inspired by Malthus, but you cannot say he devoloped his theory out of Malthus' On Population.
作者:芦笛 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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