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主题: xyzxyz新年好:  回憶老舍的劇本西望長安
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作者 xyzxyz新年好:  回憶老舍的劇本西望長安   

加入时间: 2005/08/23
文章: 1471

经验值: 5641

文章标题: xyzxyz新年好:  回憶老舍的劇本西望長安 (1004 reads)      时间: 2008-2-12 周二, 上午6:34

作者:yoke罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


捷克佳在文心社論譚的帖子說賀在2000年去亞立桑那答辨,得到碩士。 這個說法很可疑。賀在亞立桑那讀完沒讀完要求的課程?有沒有資格考試? 賀從沒說他寫論文的事,沒有論文怎麼答辨?

更重要的,賀或捷克佳忽略了畢業答辨的一個必要條件:答辨人必須是該校注冊學生。 賀1997就離開亞立桑那,他怎麼保持亞利桑那州立大學學籍的? 賀從沒說他被亞立桑那重新祿取,賀也沒在2000春學期在亞立桑那州大學注冊,亞立桑那州大學怎麼會審他的論文?怎麼會給他答辯?這完全不合手續。


岳或賀說的孟菲斯大學碩士,更是子虛烏有。孟菲斯大學開除賀以後,會再給他一箇碩士學位? 捷克佳也沒法解釋,就沒提這事。岳賀說有美國兩學位,他倆應該貼出證書為證。

致於賀跟國內怎麼說的,誰也不知道。他也可能沒提在美國得到學位的故事,也可能找個拿不出證書的借口。這就看國內的單位認真不認真了。 現在岳賀對國內展開政治鞏勢,控訴美國黑暗,決口不提自己犯法的勾當,國內也許沒人想查這位“愛國名星”的話是否可靠。

賀并不是很多網友想像的反抗人士。 前法官就懷疑賀打官司的目的可能就是找借口遲留美國,因為賀的訴訟正好在移民局遣返令。現在孩子要回來了,賀又以孩子不適應中國為借口,競找貝克的兒童專家葛拉巴基维兹幫他。


老舍寫過一個劇本,“西望長安”,是根据真事改編的。劇中人栗晚成自稱志願軍英雄,到處做報告, 接授采訪,他還當了處長。 最後查出來這個英雄是假的,戰鬥故事都是他編的。 很多人被栗晚成的故事感動過,遺憾的是栗晚成這蘱人曾出不窮。


The Court reaffirms and incorporates herein by reference the findings made by the Court relative to the perjury of Mr. He in testimony given before the Court on February 14, 2002, as memorialized in the February 22, 2002, order entitled “Judgment On Order To Show Cause Pertaining To Passport” and the order entitled “Judgment On Order To Show Cause Pertaining To Documentation Of Marriage In The Republic Of China.”
_ The evidence also shows that Mr. He tried to procure an F-2 visa, in 1997, for another Chinese woman, who Mr. He claimed was his wife. Mr. He later admitted that this woman was not his wife and that he had committed a fraud on the University of Memphis.

_ Although Mrs. He does not speak the English language fluently, she appears to speak and understand English better than she professes. For example, Mrs. He spoke English during some of the Hes’ visits with AMH at the Bakers’ home and when Mrs. He took the Hes’ other children for medical treatment. She also spoke English during the incident when she was holding a sign outside of the Bakers’ home, and the Bakers’ neighbor, Rebecca Smith, asked Mrs. He to move her car, and she spoke English during the December 2003, incident at the Wal-Mart store. During the trial, in response to a question from attorney Linda Holmes, Mrs. He responded to the question by speaking in English, before the interpreter had begun interpreting Ms. Holmes’ question to Mrs. He. Mrs. He said, “Mr. Parrish filed legal motion,” then she stopped speaking English and began responding to the question in Chinese.

_ Mrs. He admitted signing a document in the Peoples Republic of China that falsely stated that she and Mr. He were married for the purpose of obtaining a visa allowing her to come to the United States.

_ Although the Hes were not married at the time, Mrs. He entered the United States illegally, in 1998, on a F-2 visa, as the wife of a person in the United States on a student visa, despite the fact that she indicated that she was single, not married, on AMH’s birth certificate.

_ Because of her status as an illegal alien, Mrs. He was not legally permitted to be employed and earn income. Nevertheless, Mrs. He has been employed and earned income in the United States throughout most of her stay, but has failed to report her income to the Internal Revenue Service, thus defrauding the United States government.

_ Mrs. He only seems to be interested in regaining custody of AMH when deportation seems imminent. This fact is evidenced by Mrs. He filing the two (2) petitions to modify custody in close proximity to receiving calls from the United States Immigration & Naturalization Service (“INS”), regarding Mr. and Mrs. Hes’ immigration status.

_ From the totality of the credible proof at trial, both Mr. and Mrs. He have shown themselves to be persons who do not consider themselves to be bound by the rule of law. Mr. and Mrs. He have demonstrated that they will do and say anything in order to achieve their desired goals.

作者:yoke罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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