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主编: 邋遢道士


  《謁金門》 (海纳百川 www.hjclub.info)

嶺外炊煙天際漫﹐漸共餘霞散。     (海纳百川 www.hjclub.info)

蓴菜鱸魚烹且緩﹐壺中酒可暖﹖ (海纳百川 www.hjclub.info)

The peach blossoms will blow
Showing half its red toward the evening
The cooking smoke spreads in the sky far beyond the hilltop
Gradually fades away with the remaining afterglow (海纳百川 www.hjclub.info)

Hearing the warbling of the orioles alone
I call to my dear child softly now and then
“Put the cooking of water shield and perches for later
Is the wine in the pot warmed up yet?”

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