captain nino
加入时间: 2012/07/01 文章: 892
经验值: 38697
作者:captain nino 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自
我给你的链接, 已经把大多数犯罪都细分了, 完全达到了区分犯罪总类. 只能说你根本没看. 那可是英国官方的数据.
至于你的那个图, 其实真的很无知. 犯罪的地点并不一定与犯罪人士的地点完全一致, 黑人聚居区很穷, 他要偷要抢, 到附近的中产阶级区或富人区肯定更有利可图.
还有就是 geographic profiling, 俗话说兔子不吃窝边草, 罪犯一般会避免离自己住处过于接近的地区, 而倾向于有一定距离, 但又不是太远的地区犯罪. 这是一个很著名的原理.
引用: |
Through numerous research studies, there has been an increased importance placed on the journeys offenders habitually take to determine the spatial range of criminal activity. These areas become a comfort zone for predatory offenders to commit their crime with a feeling of safety. Consequently, criminal acts follow a distance-decay function, such that the further away the regular activity space of an offender is, the less likely that the person will engage in a predatory criminal activity. However, there is also a buffer zone where an offender will avoid committing crimes too close to their homes in the likely event that they will be identified by a neighbour.[3] |
还有就是我从没说所有犯罪是黑人等族裔干的, 我的 point 是, 黑人等少数族裔, 犯罪率很高. 这你否认, 那就没什么跟你好说的了. 那叫典型的睁眼说瞎话, 毫无求真的态度.
作者:captain nino 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 |