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(转载)致屁民的十四行诗——To Shitizen |
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(转载)致屁民的十四行诗——To Shitizen -- dch - (1085 Byte) 2010-3-01 周一, 下午10:30 (939 reads) |
老杜 [博客] [个人文集] 警告次数: 1
加入时间: 2004/05/16 文章: 3642
经验值: 12583
作者:老杜 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
A Sonnet Dedicated to an Anonymous Shitizen // 致屁民
O, how harmoneyous doth thy country stand, //啊,我们的国家多么和谐,
With thy departyments carassing thee, //我党整天忙着意淫,
Bunaildings vanishing as hath been plann'd, //钉子户已被拔掉,
And each mathblind assign'd a sexret'ry. //每个愚蠢的官员都有小蜜。
Enjoying freedamn thou must thank Green Dam, //在绿坝里享受自由,
And Great Fire Wall for guarding innernet, //在防火墙内上网,
Outside of which is evil Uncle Sam, //外面是邪恶的山姆大叔,
Whose lure of love is doom'd to be upset. //整日引诱屁民让我党生气。
Commit thy suihide or grasp a knife, //躲猫猫,或拿起刀子,
Or keep thy smilence facing pu ss y-ups:// 打酱油,或者俯卧撑:
In democrazy thou know'st this is life, //这就是我们的民主,
Just like a dinning table full of cups. //就像桌子上充满杯具。
On May the Thirty-fifth have candles lit, //在5月35日电上烛火,
For fellas martyrish'd by yakeshit. //为了那些在亚克西歌声中死去的殉道者。
作者:老杜 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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