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在英国剑桥大学演讲的国务院总理温家宝遭到掷鞋抗议,令演讲一度中断。温家宝其后说: |
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在英国剑桥大学演讲的国务院总理温家宝遭到掷鞋抗议,令演讲一度中断。温家宝其后说: -- NABC60 - (32 Byte) 2009-2-03 周二, 上午8:14 (429 reads) |
加入时间: 2008/01/02 文章: 463
经验值: 16418
作者:woodpig 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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The shoe landed about a yard from the Chinese premier, who glanced sharply to one side to watch it hit the stage, but did not appear frightened. A security man moved across and kicked the shoe off the stage.
As the protester was bundled out, he shouted to audience members: "Stand up and protest," to which some of the spectators -- most of whom appeared to be Chinese students -- retorted: "Shame on you, shame on you."
After the interruption, Wen reproached the demonstrator.
"This despicable behaviour cannot stand in the way of friendship between China and the UK," he said, receiving a round of applause from the audience.
中国人民感谢你,shoe-tossing loser!
作者:woodpig 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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