胖鹭鸶 [个人文集] 警告次数: 1

加入时间: 2005/06/17 文章: 1695
经验值: 13053
作者:胖鹭鸶 在 众议院 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Les mouches bourdonnaient sur ce ventre putride,
D'où sortaient de noirs bataillons
De larves, qui coulaient comme un épais liquide
Le long de ces vivants haillons.
The flies bourdonnaient on this putrid belly,
From which left blacks battle Larvae,
which ran as a thick liquid
Along these alive haillons
The flies stationed on this putrid belly,
From where left the black battalions of larva
which ran as a thick liquid
Along these alive haillons
作者:胖鹭鸶 在 众议院 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |