唐好色 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2006/03/20 文章: 3893
经验值: 67892
作者:唐好色 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
I am some what more optimistic. The Chinese government is trying to pull a Singapore and I think they have a good chance of succeeding. If all goes well (a qualified if), the CCP will become something like the current PAP of Singapore in 50 years.
Let’s face it. Reform is not easy. In fact, it is so difficult that the only non-Western nation that has successfully built a modern civil society is Japan. Chiang-Kai-shek tried to practice enlightened despotism in the late 20’s and early 30’s. Unfortunately, it was too enlightened. Mao’s revolution was a reaction to that and his government was all despotism without enlightenment. Deng seemed to find the right balance and so far the Chinese government has been able to manage the incredible pace of change reasonably well.
I visited China recently and it appears that the government is pragmatic and doing the right things, telling people to be polite to each other and to abide by the laws. For example, the metro stations kept repeating: “Let people off the train first before you go on. Be courteous to the old and the handicapped.” It is not much use of course, but short of another cultural revolution, I don’t know what else the government could do to improve the lot.
The only complaint I have is that the media is lying through its teeth about history. It is telling outrageous lies. I guess the government has problems with legitimacy and needs to cling to villains like Mao to boost its authority. The end result is that Mao who was responsible for the death of tens of millions of Chinese is now the number one hero among the high school students according to a recent survey. In fact, it was down right creepy to see Mao and his cohorts on TV all the time.
作者:唐好色 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |