胖鹭鸶 [个人文集] 警告次数: 1

加入时间: 2005/06/17 文章: 1695
经验值: 13053
作者:胖鹭鸶 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
做个Module Test 玩玩吧,
It is the fairy that makes a mountain famous, not its height.
山因仙而闻名, 而不是因为山的高度.
水不在深, 有龙则灵
It is the dragon that makes a river miraculous, not its depth.
水因龙而神灵, 而不是因为水的深度.
船不在破, 有芦则翻
It is Dr. Lu who turns HJclub upside down,, not its leaks.
船因芦而倾覆, 而不是因为船的漏洞.
It is the fish that makes the dinner delicious, not its quantity.
菜因鱼而鲜, 而不是因为菜的数量.
当然,作为文字翻译, 也许这样比较好:
Height does not make Mt. Olympus sacred, but the Gods.
It is Zeus who makes Mt. Olympus renowned, not the height of it.
口语翻译, 要求通俗易懂, 尽量避免误会. 当时外交部记者招待会的公用语言虽是英文, 采访人中肯定会有北非等地的伊斯兰教人士, 而Immortals容易让人联想到宗教和时事, 所以最好不用Immortals.
作者:胖鹭鸶 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |