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主题: 英国记者眼中印度和中国比较.
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作者 英国记者眼中印度和中国比较.   

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文章标题: 英国记者眼中印度和中国比较. (595 reads)      时间: 2006-7-24 周一, 上午12:36

作者:飞云罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


英国广播公司记者 Rupert Wingfield-Hayes 编写.

近年来印度和中国经济快速增改变了这两个国家. 但繁荣之余也带来其他问题. 我不知是什麽原因, 或因是特定事件或新闻故事. 我只记得英国广播公司北京分部的电话铃声突然响个不停, 至今未止. 现在又是这样, 但这次不是(有关)中国, 而是(有关)印度. 每次打开电视或拿起一本杂志, 再不单是说中国崛起, 而是中国和印度崛起. 作出比较的意愿是可以明白的, 因为二国都过十亿人口,经济增长都在10%. 我猜想, 很多人在希望自由和民主的印度, 将可赢得这场竞赛, 成为新的超强. 但我不能肯定. 过去8年我生活在北京, 只在印度德里停留过4日, 所以作比较是困难的.但最近我去了几天印度, 使我用新的目光看中国.


到德里是一次被淹没的经历. 它就像所有的人类被压挤进入一坐城市一样. 街道被人的重量压得在呻吟. 空气中充满着震耳欲聋的喧哗噪音和奢豪的气味. 打开电视见到的也是一样景象. 在频道之间爆出了纵慾的印度爱情故事和砰嘣的舞乐视像; 没完没了的新闻频道在解析着最新的政治丑闻; 和富人与名人的放荡堕落生活方式. 从中国而来这几乎是绝对的震撼经历.

在愉悦地经历了开放的气氛後, 我开始注意到其他东西. 这里酒店是昂贵的但很差. 在我的房间, 我尝试找寻一个宽频上网挿口, 在中国任何酒店是标准设置, 但在这里找不到. 在晚间气温仍在30度以上, 但停电了. 我躺在床上几个小时, 被汗水湿泡, 尝试入睡但失败, 真的希望此刻已回到从不停电的北京.

但要回去也不容易. 我看看机票. 出发时间是0315(零晨3点13分), 这肯定是不对的. 于是我打电话去查询, 得到回答: "这是对的, 因为德里机场太小, 所以很多航班是在午夜起飞." 他不是在开玩笑.

我坐计程车沿着Jaipur路向机场方向前进. 在双线路上塞满着不见尾的货车长龙. 最后我到达了甘地国际机场. 虽是零时, 但仍是拥挤着人流. 排队的人龙环着机场回到了起点处. 外国旅客迷茫地凝视着. 当地人认命了, 因为他们已经习惯等待.

我问在排在我前面的男人: "经常是这样的吗?"
他叹气说; "差不多."

我最终被赶羊地上了往上海的班机. 坐在我旁边是一位是穿着短裤和跑步鞋, 看似友善的印度男人.

他问我: "这是你第一次去中国旅行的吗?"
我回答: "不, 我是住在那里的."
他扫兴地说: "是吗? 我期待(能见的)是什么呢?"
我说: "我想, 你应将感到意外."

六小时后, 我们承坐的飞机滑行到耸立的钢架玻璃大楼前, 上海浦东国际机场.

(挿图注解)"曾在(印度)德里, 我被每晚睡在粗糙的街道上, 有几只老鼠为伴, 算是拥有物的成千上万人, 而感震惊."

当我们(的飞机)与极捧, 超现代的机场大楼合笼时, 我新认识伙伴的下颚滑下到他的肚脐眼上(趺眼镜/大意外?) 他撑大眼睛, 迷糊地说: "我并不期待(看到)的, 噢, 不, 我绝对不能想像到这些." 我也觉得要重新认识中国.

那天晚些, 我从北京机场在六线平滑的高速公路上开车回家, 回到了我工作的国家, 在那一切畅顺, 我感到松了一口气. 这并不只那些机场和道路. 开车在北京外围农村走过, 我也被那美好衣着的人们冲击着.

在(印度)德里, 我被每晚睡在粗糙的街道上, 有几只老鼠为伴, 算是拥有物的成千上万人, 而感震惊. 但在深入中国的郊外, 不会看见类似的景象.

在德里, 我被告知印度的新经济奇蹟, 那成千上万的年轻活力毕业生, 编写出世界最新的电脑软件.

我想像的中国新经济, 千百万的农村民工, 离家到奴工厂, 制造由胶鞋到等离子电视等任何东西. 同样的农村民工, 在中国新年时, 他们袋里装着现金, 载着各样礼物, 回去农村的家.

中国不是一个自由社会, 有着大量问题. 但"它"的成功不应被低估的. 在印度, 虽然它是一个自由和民主的社会, 它离(与中国)配比还是遥远.

(注:英文说一个国家时, 如尊重对方, 会用女性的她/she作为代名词. 轻视对方时, 用物代名词--"它/it", 或"它的/its", 而非"她的/her." 从用词可看出这英国记者从心中自然地现出对中国的轻视与傲慢, 对印度也是如此.)



India struggles to catch China

Rupert Wingfield-Hayes 编写
英国广播公司, 德里与北京
By Rupert Wingfield-Hayes
BBC News, Delhi and Beijing

近年印度和中国经济快速增改变了这两个国家. 但繁荣之余也带来其他问题.
The rapid growth of the Indian and Chinese economies have transformed the two countries in recent years. But this prosperity has also brought other problems.

我不知是什麽原因, 或因特定事件或新闻故事. 我只记得英国广播公司北京分部的电话铃声突然响个不停, 至今未止.
I am not sure what caused it to happen, what particular event or news story. I just remembered the phone in the BBC's Beijing Bureau started ringing and it has not stopped since.

现在又是这样,但这次不是(有关)中国, 而是(有关)印度.
Well now it is happening again and this time it is not China, it is India.

每次打开电视或拿起一本杂志, 再不单是说中国崛起, 而是中国和印度崛起. 作出比较的意愿是可以明白的, 因为二国都过十亿人口,经济增长都在10%.
Every time you turn on the television or pick up a magazine, it is no longer the rise of China, it is now the rise of China and India. The desire to make comparisons is understandable. Both have more than a billion people. Both are growing at 10% a year.

我猜想, 很多人在希望自由和民主的印度, 将可赢得这场竞赛, 成为新的超强. 但我不能肯定.
There are, I suspect, many who are hoping that India, with its freedom and democracy, will win this new race to become the next economic super power. I am not so sure.

过去8年我生活在北京, 只在印度德里停留过4日, 所以作比较是困难的.
I have spent the last eight years living in Beijing, and only four days in Delhi, so comparisons are difficult.

但最近我去了几天印度, 使我用新的目光看中国.
But the few days I recently spent in India made me look at China in a new light.

'Shocking experience'

到德里是一次被淹没的经历. 它就像所有的人类被压挤进入一坐城市一样.
Delhi is an overwhelming experience. It is as if all of humanity has been squeezed into one city.

街道被人的重量压得在呻吟. 空气中充满着震耳欲聋的喧哗噪音和奢豪的气味.
The streets groan under the weight of people. The air is filled with deafening noise and sumptuous smells.

Switch on the television and it is the same.

在频道之间爆出了纵慾的印度爱情故事和砰嘣的舞乐视像, 没完没了的新闻频道在解析着最新的政治丑闻,和富人与名人的放荡堕落生活方式.
Between channels blasting out voluptuous Bollywood love stories and pop videos, an endless stream of news channels dissect the latest political scandals, and debauched lifestyles of the rich and famous.

Coming from China it is an almost shocking experience.

在愉悦地经历了开放的气氛後, 我开始注意到其他的东西.
But after the initial delight at being in an open society, I started to notice other things.

这里酒店是昂贵的但很差. 在我的房间我尝试找寻一个宽频上网挿口, 在中国任何酒店是标准设置, 但在这里找不到.
The hotel was expensive and bad. In my room I searched for a high speed internet connection, a standard feature in any hotel in China. There was not one.

在晚间气温仍在30度以上, 但停电了.
Then with the night-time temperature still well above 30C (86F) the power went out.

我躺在床上几个小时, 被汗水湿泡, 尝试入睡但失败, 真的希望此刻已回到从不停电的北京.
I lay for hours soaked in sweat trying, and failing, to get back to sleep and wishing I was back in Beijing where the lights never go out.

But getting back would not be easy.

我看看我的机票. 出发时是0315(零晨3点13分), 这肯定是不对的.
I looked at my plane ticket. Departure time 0315. Surely that could not be right.

于是我打电话去查询, 得到回答: "这是对的, 因为德里机场太小, 所以很多航班是在午夜起飞."
I called the front desk. "That's correct sir," he said, "the airport is too small so many flights from Delhi leave in the middle of the night."

He was not joking.

My taxi struggled along the Jaipur road towards the airport.

在双线路上塞满着不见尾的货车龙. 最后我到达了甘地国际机场. 虽是零时, 但仍是拥挤着人流.
The two-lane road was clogged by an endless convoy of lorries. Finally I arrived at Indira Gandhi International airport. Despite the hour it was teeming with people.

The queues snaked around the airport and back to where they had started.

外国旅客迷茫地凝视着. 当地人认命了, 因为他们已经习惯等待.
Foreign tourists stared in bewilderment. Locals with the resigned look of those used to waiting.

我问在排在我前面的男人: "经常是这样的吗?"
"Is it always like this?" I asked a man in the queue ahead of me.

他叹气说; "差不多."
"Pretty much," he sighed.

I was finally shepherded aboard the flight to Shanghai.

坐在我旁边是一位是穿着短裤和跑步鞋, 看似友善的印度男人.
Next to me sat a friendly looking Indian man in shorts and running shoes.

他问我: "这是你第一次去中国旅行的吗?"
"Is this your first trip to China?" he asked me.

我回答: "不, 我是住在那里的."
"No," I replied, "I live there."

他扫兴地说: "是吗? 我期待(能见的)是什么呢?"
"Really," he said, his interest piqued, "what should I expect?"

我说: "我想, 你应将感到意外."
"I think," I said, "you should expect to be surprised."

六小时后, 我们承坐的飞机滑行到耸立的钢架玻璃大楼前, 上海浦东国际机场.
Six hours later, our plane taxied to a halt in front of the soaring glass and steel of Shanghai's Pudong International Airport

(挿图注解)"曾在(印度)德里, 我被每晚睡在粗糙的街道上, 有几只老鼠为伴, 算是拥有物的成千上万人, 而感震惊."
"Delhi I had been shocked to see thousands of people sleeping rough on the streets every night, nothing but the few rags they slept in to call their own ."

当我们(的飞机)与极捧, 超现代的机场大楼合笼时, 我新认识伙伴的下颚滑下到他的肚脐眼上(趺眼镜/大意外?)
As we emerged into the cool silence of the ultra-modern terminal, my new companion's jaw slid towards his belly button.

他撑大眼睛, 迷糊地说: "我并不期待(看到)的, 噢, 不, 我绝对不能想像到这些."
"I was not expecting this," he said, his eyes wide in wonder. "Oh no, I definitely was not expecting this".

I also found myself looking at China afresh.

那天晚些, 我从北京机场在六线平滑的高速公路上开车回家, 回到我工作的国家, 在那一切畅顺, 我感到松了一口气.
Later that day as I drove home from Beijing airport along the smooth six-lane highway I could not help feeling a sense of relief at being back in a country where things work.

And it was not just the airports and roads.

开车在北京外围农村走过, 我也被那美好衣着的人们冲击着.
Driving through a village on the edge of Beijing I was struck by how well everyone was dressed.

在(印度)德里, 我被每晚睡在粗糙的街道上, 有几只老鼠为伴, 算是拥有物的成千上万人, 而感震惊. 但在深入中国的郊外, 不会看见有类似的景象.
In Delhi, I had been shocked to see thousands of people sleeping rough on the streets every night, nothing but the few rags they slept in to call their own. Even deep in China's countryside that is not something you will see.

在德里, 我被告知印度的新经济奇蹟, 那成千上万的年轻活力毕业生, 编写出世界最新的电脑软件.
In Delhi I had been told of the wonders of India's new economy, of the tens of thousands of bright young graduates churning out the world's latest computer software.

我想像的中国新经济, 千百万的农村民工, 离家到奴工厂, 制造由胶鞋到等离子电视等任何东西, .
I thought of China's new economy, of the tens of millions of rural migrants who slave away in factories, making everything from plimsolls to plasma televisions.

同样的农村民工, 在中国新年时, 他们袋里装着现金, 满载各样礼物, 回去农村的家.
And of the same rural migrants, heading home to their villages at Chinese New Year festival loaded down with gifts, their pockets stuffed full of cash.

中国不是一个自由社会, 有着大量问题. 但"它"的成功不应被低估的. (注:英文说一个国家时, 如尊重对方, 会用女性的她/she作为代名词. 轻视对方时, 用物代名词--"它/it", 或"它的/its", 而非"她的/her." 从用词可看出这英国记者从心中自然地现出对中国的轻视与傲慢, 对印度也是如此.)
China is not a free society, and it has immense problems. But its successes should not be underestimated.

在印度, 虽然它是一个自由和民主的社会, 它离(与中国)配比还是遥远.
They are ones that India, even with its open and democratic society, is still far from matching.

From Our Own Correspondent was broadcast on Saturday 22 July, 2006 at 1100 BST on BBC Radio 4. Please check the programme schedules for World Service transmission times.


作者:飞云罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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