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印度人很牛--印度語是歐洲語言的祖宗 |
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 4072
经验值: 434
作者:飞云 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
1) I repeat again, China has performed better then India in the last 25 years or so. However, it is merely a small blip if you look at the bigger history....
I cannot believe thes Orangutans actually belive eAncient China was stronger/more powerful than India !!! What a bunch of ignorant fools.
They say India has been conquered many times !!! They start of with Greeks.... Alexander the great attacked north west India, won the battle yet gave back the kingdom to the ruler of the area at the time.
Now, these Orangutans will no doubt say something retared like 'cos India is so shit he did not want to rule it' etc etc.... In reality, he realised he had met the most powerful foe he had yet encountered. Infact he stated he his admiration of Indian courage and ability. He also realsied it was a very very small part of India he had conquered and a relatively weak kingdom.
2) Ancient India Vs Ancient China.... I genuoinely am feeling sorry for you guys as I now realise you guys are absolute losers who cannot accept the facts....
China did invent Gunpowder and paper etc. For the sake of time and space, I will not go inot Ancient India's small achievements which would be comparable to inventing paper etc.
Let's just say, Sanskrit is the mother of most languages, most European languages are known as 'Indo European'.... ie originating from Sanskrit....
Our ancient language is in use all over the world, maybe not the same but it's derivatives.... which is why the majority of the world has alphabets and not pictures !!! Had it been China greater than India (or even Egypt) then their type of language (ie pictures) would be pre-dominant in the world.
I can go on and on but it is pointless as I do not wish to compete in an area that is so much in India's favour that it is degrading to contest it. No doubt there will be additional retarted replies to this.
3) Anyone who believes India to be the most conquered nation is truly an ignorant retard. PARTS of India have been conquered at various times, but these inavders either accepted the superiority of Indian Civilsation (ie their culture was easily absorbed and they became Indians) or were kicked out. The British were the ONLY exception to this....
4) Ou culture is the same as it was thousands of years ago. Hinduism is the only surviving religion of the ancient world. Greels, romans they all believed in many gods but their culture was not strong enough against the force of change. Indian heritage/culture (my heritage/culture) is too strong....
Lol, we all know what happened to ther Chinese culture !!!!
5) I was with some friends tonight. Some were of Chinese origin and I mentioned how I registered myself with a website and told them of the comments being made.....
I realise now that these gys have a serious inferiority complex and are extremely paranoid people. They (Chinese) feel inferior to just about everyone and their single outlet is their recent advancement. Again, no dount their will be some seriously childish desperate replies to this.
6) They keep referring to India's biggest failures right now. Atleast we accept these and we will correct these. We may not be the fastest growing economy but we are the second fastest in the world (credit to you guys, you take the no. 1 spot here).
However, we are free people of a free country. When we fight we fight for our land, our freedonm. What do you guys fight for.... to remain slaves.... lol.... fokin commie cunts.... I can accept these arguments from your rukers but canot accept this from slaves such as yourselves.....
7) Chinese women love Indian men. Indian women think of Chinese woemn as ugly midgets.
As an indication of their honour/upbrinnging, these guys resort to insulting Indian women.... I genuinely feel pity on you guys on a similar scale as I once pitied a mongrel dog.
9) To summarise:
Ancient India was a considered a 'golden eagle', a land of huge prosperity adn techological advancement. This attracted many many invaders. However, is is a FACT that India has been under one rule/government for the first time in it's glorious history. No one, not even the British, ruled the whole fo India.... read up on facts first before you start ranting on these. The Brtish came, got kicked out and Indian civilisation has continued. This has been the case throughout history.
Yes, India has many poor people (though they are atleast free). It's infrastructure is incomparable to that of China. However, major infrastructure projects have started. Cities have been earmarked for major upgradation. Airports the same.... the list goes on and on..... India has realsied that with a big population growth rate, economic growth needs to increase to 8-10% (not for one eyar but a sustainable growth rate spanning decades). Infact, failure to do so has been identified as a potential threat to national security.
Why do you guys continue to highlight the worst in India ??? Why do you feel so insecure/inferior that you need to put down India to make yourself feel better. I know we kicked your butt throughout human history but get over it. Get back to having a wank of 25 years of having greater success than India. Let's forget the last 5,000 years.
Remember, we are defending our own home, what do you guys defend when you defend China? The commie party?.... cos it rules China. You have very limited rights.... you guys are fokin slaves....
One last point, WE WILL surpass China. Our econimic growth rate is increasing and it will continue. It will take 20-30 years to exced China's economic size but WE WILL manage it.
Looking forward to some more retarted replies. Please try and not to repeat again and again.... please.... pretty please....
Oh, and by the way, China started the 1962 war. Undertsand that the words of free press are more accurate and honest than the words of a dictatorship whose sole interest is to make itself look good.
Oh and also, stop feeling so inferior. I am sorry that human evolution passed you guys by but hey, you're developing.
作者:飞云 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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