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"疯人自答说老子." 芦笛, you are quite wrong |
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扯淡 -- 黄药师 - (85 Byte) 2005-1-07 周五, 上午8:46 (118 reads) |
ltlee [博客] [个人文集]
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
The prevalent explanation is that a comet had impacted the earth. The impact created an environment comparable to a nuclear winter. The extinction of dinosaurs were therefore the results of massive sudden change which overloaded the negative feedback capability of nature.
Some scientists, however, found the comet theory lacking. They pointed out that other large animals died out frequently. Since all large animals have one thing in common. They all travel long distance in comparison with small animals like frogs. When the dinosaurs extinct, frogs survived the period intact. Hence, they thought contagious diseases carried by bacteria or virus, spread by long distance traveling, were responsible for the extinction. If so, the extinction meant a rebalance between large animal and small animals.
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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