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谁更有远见?马悲鸣还是芦笛? |
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芦老也是这个问题。芦老批共文章,是披着唐诗宋词元曲的农村大娘痛哭 -- 随便 - (0 Byte) 2004-12-22 周三, 上午1:36 (59 reads) |
芦笛 [博客] [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 31797
经验值: 518954
作者:芦笛 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
your permanent headache. Go and see for yourself, every time we face each other, you are bound to be stripped of every piece of cloth, with no exception at all.
Your triumph only exists in the incredible stupidity of the Chinese intellectuals. Put it more precisely, you can be triumphant ONLY because I do not read your pieces. If I did and started to tear them up, you would immediately become as naked as MBM, the Second Greatest Idiot Online. Both of you live triumphantly at my mercy.
How is your can business? How could you tell such a stupid lie? More importantly, how come nobody but me see through it? The Chinese “intellectuals” are really beyond salvation.
作者:芦笛 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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