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作者 Independence and Freedom   


文章标题: Independence and Freedom (346 reads)      时间: 2004-11-04 周四, 下午9:29

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


The Value of Independence and Freedom


I want to appeal for my case #794.
I have been persecuted in China by China Government by the reason of my political opinion.
If I return to China, I am in risk of persecution in China by the reason of my political opinion.
So I request UNHCR to grant me refugee status.

My political opinion:
I don't accept communism, I want liberty and democracy. I never hide my political opinion, and I have criticized China Government in many occasion: in the high school, in the university, on the internet, in Russia, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in UNHCR, in UNHCHR, in Human Rights Watch, in Daily Mirror, in Cambodia Daily ect.
I have a web site to condemn China Government and china political system. The name of my web site is "The Value of Independence and Freedom", my web site has been blocked in China, and so it can't be accessed in China.
My web site: http://www.geocities.com/public_press/

Why did China Government not arrest me?
According to the law of China, China Government has no ground to arrest me. On the other hand, the arrest is an open and legal action, and I have been concerned by many international organizations and countries, China Government must be careful and discreet when they decide to do something against me officially and openly.

Why did China Government give me a passport and let me leave and return China?
Even if China Government refuse to give a passport and forbidden me leaving China, I still have knowledge and ability to leave China, in 1998 I had done this successfully from China to Russia, and then I asked for political asylum in Russia, in Russia I criticized and condemned China Government and communism through political asylum claim.

China Government give me a passport and let me leave and return China, it doesn't mean that China Government doesn't want to persecute me, it doesn't mean that the persecution never happen, it doesn't mean that the persecution will stop, it doesn't mean that I am safe to live in China.

The requirement of the definition of a refugee according to the 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol relating to the status of refugee, it never mentions that the people who can get the passport in his country can not be recognized as a refugee, it never mentions that the people who can leave and return his country can not be recognized as a refugee. So UNHCR should not refuse to grant me refugee status by the reason of that I can get the passport in China, UNHCR should not refuse to grant me refugee status by the reason of that I can leave and return China.
UNHCR should not use these matters against me.

What will happen if I return to China?
I will be in risk of persecution in China by the reason of my political opinion.
At least China Government will keep persecuting me in the sick way they had done before, the worse China Government will put me in jail.

How does China Government persecute me?
To make me live in fear.
It is not the best choice for China Government to arrest me or forbidden me leaving or returning China. It is not good to China Government to persecute me in an open and official way.
So China Government decided to persecute me in a secret and unopened way, China Government harasses me with China Spy in a sick way. This kind of persecution is very difficult to explain and prove, but it can destroy your life, it can destroy your spirit, it can destroy your mind, it can destroy your psychology, it can make you live in fear.
The evil China Government value this kind of persecution, because it is more efficient than to put you in jail, and it almost can not be proved and explained by the victim of the persecution, and the third party is very difficult to notice and understand and believe this kind of persecution.

China Government wants to make me live in fear.

China Government had successfully arranged one spy married with my older sister Lu Shaoqiu 2 years ago, in the way of tricking my older sister Lu Shaoqiu to marry him this China Spy invaded my family, his mission is to make my family live in fear, his mission is to make me live in fear.

China secret police had forced my older brother Lu Huanqxiong to cooperate with them against me, China secret police had forced , threatened and tricked almost my every social relation into cooperating with them, such as my relatives, my classmates, my colleagues, my friends, my neighbor etc.

China Government makes my family and I live in fear.
China Government don't need to arrest me, or forbidden me leaving or returning China.
China Government uses the most powerful nation resource and nation organization to make me live in fear.
China Secret Police's efficient job makes sure that their persecution and crime on me will never be proved and exposed.

By the reason of my political opinion, I have be became the enemy of the most powerful and evil regime in the world, maybe China Government will continue persecuting me until I die.

Why not help me escaping from the Devil's Crawl?

Yours Sincerely,

Lu Huanqiang

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
    回复主题   printer-friendly view    海纳百川首页 -> 罕见奇谈 所有的时间均为 北京时间


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