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主题: ZT:konami ---- 谁来批判俺?
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作者 ZT:konami ---- 谁来批判俺?   
所跟贴 你要是不喜欢用中文,请用日语和我说话 -- Anonymous - (500 Byte) 2004-6-10 周四, 上午6:39 (90 reads)


文章标题: Don't know Jap. Can only read/cut/paste (89 reads)      时间: 2004-6-10 周四, 上午10:13

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

Chinese ...

When you said "我也希望你们在批判中国政府的同时", what do you mean by 你们?? Do I belong to certain group of people? I thought I was also a normal net-worm. While you are discussing what students did wrong, I am thinking more about what the government did wrong. My personal opinion, that is all ...

I think it is more dangerous for the government to do wrong things. When the students do something wrong, the cost is much smaller. However, since the government is so much more powerful, when it does something wrong, it could cause a disaster. That is why I think people should be more picky toward the government, not a small group of people (students). I agree that China has been developing very fast after 92 (not after 89 6/4), but before the government can realize what they have done wrong, the future of Chinese people is always un-predictable. You never know what the governmen is going to do next, and if it will have distastrous effect again. The unpredictablity is one of the reasons why many people want to leave that country.

Also, for a problem involves two sides, both side might have done wrong things, but we need to prioritize, focus on the more crtical issue first.

I agree, "批判only永远是最简单的". However:
1. Before you can do the simple things correctly, how can you do the more complicated things?
2. How could my 建设性意见 reach the proper authority? Who will listen to me? If there has been proper channels for that, 6/4 wouldn't have happened.
3. You 批判 the students, I 批判 the governments. If my "批判only是最简单的", what about your 批判??

You probably only want to discuss with people who have same opinions. If that is true, I think it is a good idea to stay away from political topics ...

作者:Anonymous罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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