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安安,你根本没搞清什麽是natural born citizen,就敢胡说 |
消极 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/15 文章: 9097
经验值: 14803
作者:消极 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
natural born citizen在美国法律中的定义就是任何在美国出生的人。Anyone born inside the United States。在政治上界定的是被选举权,natural born citizen可以竞选参加任何公职。
贺梅是毫无物体的natural born citizen。一个natural born citizen要放弃公民权是很难的,剥夺更是难上加男。只有一下几点可以:
Becoming naturalized in another country
Swearing an oath of allegiance to another country
Serving in the armed forces of a nation at war with the U.S., or if you are an officer in that force
Working for the government of another nation if doing so requires that you become naturalized or that you swear an oath of allegiance
Formally renouncing citizenship at a U.S. consular office
Formally renouncing citizenship to the U.S. Attorney General
By being convicted of committing treason
同时记住第一条,贺梅按中国国籍法是natural born chinese,就算她以后选择中国国籍也不影响她的美国国籍。你说的18岁是指本人有能力自动放弃的最下年龄。当然我没有讨论中国国籍法,中国国籍法现在是不承认贺梅的美国公民省份的。
作者:消极 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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