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主题: 没有芦笛,也没有今天的安魂曲:)
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作者 没有芦笛,也没有今天的安魂曲:)   
所跟贴 请教,这个悖论怎么解决的。鸡和蛋都请你精确定义一下 -- Anonymous - (0 Byte) 2004-3-10 周三, 下午9:11 (118 reads)


加入时间: 2004/02/14
文章: 31797

经验值: 518954

文章标题: He is the expert specializing in solving paradox.  Ha! Ha! (171 reads)      时间: 2004-3-10 周三, 下午9:43

作者:芦笛罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

He can't even get Anhunqu's point. It has nothing to do with me at all. Rather,
I just served as a trigger. That was the most obvious message An's piece tried
to convey, and yet he failed to get it. An's point could be put more succinctly:
The invention of internet and free access to it provide amateurs with unprecedentally
abundant chances to become writers. Yet, he's talking about the hen-eggparadox!

How can you believe there is such a thick person? Put in Chinese, he's got
a very big temper, very small mind (xin yanr) and even a smaller brain.

I never thought I could become a "writer" either. I just had words to say when
the CCP was threatening Taiwan with war. Another reason was that I tried to refute
MBM but could not find a magazine (even HXWZ) that wished to publish my pieces. The only
place I could speak freely was Dajia Forum. When I started to write there,
I never dreamed that my pieces would be picked by the editor of "duowei guandian"
and become headlines.

So like Anhunqu I can say that had there been no Taiwan or MBM, there would never
have been Ludi. Again, that smart ass would tell you this is a "paradox", ha ha ha!

作者:芦笛罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
阅读会员资料 芦笛离线  发送站内短信
回复主题   printer-friendly view    海纳百川首页 -> 罕见奇谈 所有的时间均为 北京时间


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