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上次糊涂谈到狗能识别人的手指向的方向,而不是手本身的动作。票友思考了一下。 |
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上次糊涂谈到狗能识别人的手指向的方向,而不是手本身的动作。票友思考了一下。 -- 一票友 - (277 Byte) 2014-3-30 周日, 上午7:56 (376 reads) |
xilihutu [个人文集]

加入时间: 2007/03/29 文章: 9277 来自: 美国 经验值: 298820
作者:xilihutu 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

- Dogs, but not chimpanzees, can understand human pointing gestures.
- Domestication and years of living with humans have likely given dogs an evolved ability to pay attention to, and understand, human visual communication.
- Some domesticated cats can also understand human pointing.
Chimpanzees may be our closest living relatives, but they do not understand us as well as dogs do.
The study in the latest issue of PLoS ONE. found that chimpanzees could care less when people pointed to objects, but dogs paid attention and knew precisely what the person wanted.
作者:xilihutu 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org _________________ 是你对还是我right? |
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