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补充2点 -- xilihutu - (409 Byte) 2013-8-03 周六, 上午9:35 (414 reads) |
若迷 [博客] [个人文集] 警告次数: 1
加入时间: 2008/05/16 文章: 3610
经验值: 164705
作者:若迷 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
另外,您住的地方“每天都有可疑分子”,那是不是因为区里住的有黑人阿。要是有怎么办?也携枪跟踪,挑起打斗,然后弄点小伤痕,最后一枪崩了对方,再声称自卫?你们州也有Stand Your Ground law 么?
Hanks has made donations to many Democratic politicians and has been open about his support for same-sex marriage, environmental causes and alternative fuels. Hanks made public his presidential candidate choice in the 2008 election when he uploaded a video to his MySpace account in which he announced his endorsement of Barack Obama.
A proponent of environmentalism, Hanks is an investor in electric vehicles and owns both a Toyota RAV4 EV and the first production AC Propulsion eBox. Hanks was a lessee of an EV1 before it was recalled, as chronicled in the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car? He was on the waiting list for an Aptera 2 Series.
Hanks was extremely outspoken about his opposition to the 2008 Proposition 8, an amendment to the California constitution that defined marriage as a union only between a man and a woman. Hanks and others who were in opposition to the proposition raised over US$44 million in contrast to the supporters' $39 million,but Proposition 8 passed with 52% of the vote.
While premiering a TV series in January 2009, Hanks called supporters of Proposition 8 "un-American" and criticized the LDS (Mormon) church members, who were major proponents of the bill, for their views on marriage and their role in supporting the bill. About a week later, Hanks apologized for the remark, saying that nothing is more American than voting one's conscie。
Hanks narrated a video created by Obama for America, entitled The Road We've Traveled.
作者:若迷 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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