邢国鑫 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/20 文章: 7502
经验值: 207027
作者:邢国鑫 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
有请小小纳或热心网友把楼上邢老虎的“控诉信”转给芦区老大芦笛! 拜托!谢谢
• 公告 -- 芦笛 - (1009 Byte) 2011-5-05 周四, 下午3:17 (500 reads)
• http://www.hjclub.info/bbs/viewtopic.php?p=2805687
這裡跟老邢說一聲:Believe me, I have done everything to save our friendship. But there are limits. You are too numb, thick and dull to realize what you have been doing upsets me a great deal. Before taking that ruthless action, I had begged you again and again, yet you simply turned a deaf ear to my desperate plea. Now everyone is happy except you and me. I am greatly relieved but also upset at the same time. The saddest thing, alas, is that you had never realized you had become the pain in my bottom, the sole source of my suffering. Instead, you sincerely believe that you had been doing me a great favor by bullshiting in my forum! What is more, you are simply beyond persuation and reasoning. Tackling this kind of friend, what else could I do? Anyway, I wish you all the best. So long!
作者:芦笛 在 众议院 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.info
• 公告:禮送邢國鑫出境 -- 芦笛 - (301 Byte) 2011-5-03 周二, 下午12:53 (335 reads)
• http://www.hjclub.info/bbs/viewtopic.php?p=2805639
自蘆區開辦以來,邢國鑫網友take adavantage of, exploit and abuse the friendship between him and me,長達四五年勤勤懇懇,兢兢業業,來此傾倒垃圾,張貼低級趣味材料,并違反網站壇規,大量灌水,重複上貼無數次,不但降低了本壇品位,而且構成了對我的持續困擾,致使我健康惡化,心情暴躁,幾次幾乎當場發瘋,雖經多次勸阻,無奈此人極不自覺,我智窮力竭,在反復折騰了一天一夜後,終於下定決心,除此公害,以求耳目清淨,起碼能活到明年超級太陽風暴爆發之時,為此特禮送邢大爺出門。本網站還有四個論壇,你愛上哪個論壇去倒垃圾都沒人管你,又何必在這兒折磨我?
作者:芦笛 在 众议院 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.info
上一次由芦笛于2011-5-04 周三, 上午12:30修改,总共修改了1次
o 其实网上和网下的朋友是非常不同的。我有很多政治理念与我彻底相反的网下朋友, -- 豆腐 - (387 Byte) 2011-5-03 周二, 下午11:07 (149 reads)
o Finally! -- hulkbill - (0 Byte) 2011-5-03 周二, 下午5:52 (93 reads)
o 偶早在当初投票时就说过,限制其一日一个袋子,可以任意多装,其他人就是不听。瞧瞧,闹成现在酱紫了不是? -- 若迷 - (9 Byte) 2011-5-03 周二, 下午2:01 (97 reads)
对,早该听你的 -- light - (6 Byte) 2011-5-03 周二, 下午10:34 (91 reads)
[建议] 加人老兄: 请帮忙穿过疯锁限: 去给芦区老大和众网游拜个晚年! (55 reads) 时间: 2012-1-26 周四, 上午11:46
作者:邢国鑫 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.info
加人老兄: 请帮忙穿过疯锁限: 去给芦区老大和众网游拜个晚年!
二三天前, 芦区老大来电话, 还信誓 - 蛋蛋
没幽 - 疯锁!
事实 - 稀里老糊涂和幕后D该死黑鬼, 还TNND在疯锁!
海纳百川首页 | Visiting 芦笛自治区
不! 存在!
作者:邢国鑫 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |