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是圣女还是虐待狂? |
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是圣女还是虐待狂? -- 马悲鸣 - (5047 Byte) 2012-1-04 周三, 上午10:03 (1241 reads) |
唐好色 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2006/03/20 文章: 3893
经验值: 67892
作者:唐好色 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
網上查了一下, 應該是Eric Hoffer所描述的那種True believer. 這是性格決定. 我周圍的人, 就算再怎麼[恨], 也不太可能這樣冷酷地把人凍死. 反省後, 也不會如此激烈地反抗. 後來上海法院說她精神有問題, 可能也不算錯.
羅素曾經說, 使徒保羅以前拼命迫害基督徒, 後來變成狂熱的傳教徒. 其實這個人的本性沒有變, 只是信仰變了. Hoffer 也說過類似的話.
當年納粹黨和共黨是死敵, 原因之一在於, 他們爭取的都是同一類狂熱分子. 據Hoffer說, 希特勒曾經下令, 任何前共黨成員, 如要加入納粹, 直接就批準.
From "The True Believer"
In the eyes of the true believer, people who have no holy cause are
without backbone and character—a pushover for men of faith. On
the other hand, the true believers of various hues, though they view
each other with mortal hatred and are ready to fly at each other’s
throats, recognize and respect each other’s strength. Hitler looked
on the Bolsheviks as his equals and gave orders that former
Communists should be admitted to the Nazi party at once. Stalin in
his turn saw in the Nazis and the Japanese the only nations worthy
of respect. Even the religious fanatic and the militant atheist are not
without respect for each other. Dostoyevsky puts the following
words in Bishop Tihon’s mouth: “outright atheism is more to be
respected than worldly indifference … the complete atheist stands
on the penultimate step to most perfect faith, … but the indifferent
person has no faith whatever except a bad fear.”
All mass movements generate in their adherents a readiness
to die and a proclivity for united action; all of them,
irrespective of the doctrine they preach and the program they
project, breed fanaticism, enthusiasm, fervent hope, hatred and
intolerance; all of them are capable of releasing a powerful
flow of activity in certain departments of life; all of them
demand blind faith and singlehearted allegiance.
All movements, however different in doctrine and aspiration,
draw their early adherents from the same types of humanity;
Since all mass movements draw their adherents from the same
types of humanity and appeal to the same types of mind, it follows:
(a) all mass movements are competitive, and the gain of one in
adherents is the loss of all the others; (b) all mass movements are
interchangeable. One mass movement readily transforms itself into
another. A religious movement may develop into a social
revolution or a nationalist movement; a social revolution, into
militant nationalism or a religious movement; a nationalist
movement into a social revolution or a religious movement.
they all appeal to the same types of mind.
This receptivity to all movements does not always cease even
after the potential true believer has become the ardent convert of a
specific movement. Where mass movements are in violent
competition with each other, there are not infrequent instances of
converts—even the most zealous—shifting their allegiance from one
to the other. A Saul turning into Paul is neither a rarity nor a
miracle. In our day, each proselytizing mass movement seems to
regard the zealous adherents of its antagonist as its own potential
converts. Hitler looked on the German Communists as potential
National Socialists: “The petit bourgeois Social-Democrat and the
trade-union boss will never make a National Socialist, but the
Communist always will.”2 Captain Röhm boasted that he could turn
the reddest Communist into a glowing nationalist in four weeks.
On the other hand, Karl Radek looked on the Nazi Brown Shirts
(S.A.) as a reserve for future Communist recruits.
作者:唐好色 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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