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主题: 钱三强之子,北大教授钱思进无耻诬蔑陷害自己的学生——替我的一位朋友申一下冤
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作者 钱三强之子,北大教授钱思进无耻诬蔑陷害自己的学生——替我的一位朋友申一下冤   
所跟贴 电子邮件呢? -- 凌华 - (75 Byte) 2011-11-04 周五, 下午9:02 (143 reads)

加入时间: 2009/10/04
文章: 764

经验值: 36499

文章标题: 我拿到邮件记录了,因为钱教授居然不会中文输入法,所以他们是用英文通信的。 (299 reads)      时间: 2011-11-04 周五, 下午10:58

作者:我要注册驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

From: franklin <franklin>
Date: 2007-05-14 14:32:25
To: "钱思进2" <sijin>
Subject: The catalog of HuZhen's graduation thesis
Dear Professer,
The catalog of my graduation thesis is in the attachment.
I'll give you the first draft the day after tomorrow.

Sincerely yours,
Hu Zhen

From: franklin <franklin>
Date: 2007-05-16 13:06:28
To: "钱思进2" <sijin>
Subject: The first 2 chapters of HuZhen's graduation thesis
Dear Professer,
I have recived a mail from you named "see transcript for details" . But I can not open the mail. Could you send it to me again? Thank you.

The catalog and first 2 chapters of my graduation thesis is in the attachment.

Sincerely yours,
Hu Zhen

From: "Zhen Hu" <zhenhu>
Date: 2011-11-03 11:37:46
To: "[email protected]" <906712949>
Subject: Fw:The new edition of graduation thesis!

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: franklin <franklin>
Date: 2007-05-21 15:36:57
To: "钱思进2" <sijin>
Subject: The new edition of graduation thesis!

Dear Prof. Qian,

I'm very sorry that I made some spelling mistakes in my thesis which I sent to you 8 hours ago.Please don't read it.
After I printed it I found and modified the mistakes.
Now this is the new edition(maybe still with mistakes).

Sincerely yours,
Hu Zhen


From: "Sijin Qian" <sijin>
Date: 2006-12-06 06:31:58
To: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: A new graduate-student-to-be will come to Beijing from Sichuan, for 3 weeks, please help him to stay and to study
Student three:

A new student HU2 Zhen4 (who will be the graduate student of PKU
in our group from 9/2007) will come to Beijing for 3 weeks. During this
period, he will try to get start on the CMS physics study. I have
consulted with CMS colleagues in this week about some possible topics, and
shall discuss with you all after I go back to Beijing on Monday.

Student HU will arrive at Beijing in the morning of Friday, please
you three try to guide him to attend our weekly group meeting at 1 p.m..
Then from next Monday, I would encourage you all to attend the week-long
Chinese-French LHC physics and grid workshop at IHEP (Institute of High
Energy Physics).

Student HU's cell phone number in Beijing is 13589265609. I list
your three's phone numbers below for his reference:

(1) YANG2 Zong1chang2: XXXX
(2) LIU2 Lie4: XXXX
(3) GUO1 Shuang3: XXXX

Your E-addresses are in the header of this mail.

Thank you for the help to receive Student HU,

-Teacher Qian

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "Zhen Hu" <zhenhu>
Date: 2011-11-03 11:39:43
To: "[email protected]" <906712949>
Subject: Fw:Re: Big change in Chap. 3

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: "Sijin Qian" <sijin>
Date: 2007-05-23 23:21:34
To: franklin <franklin>
Subject: Re: Big change in Chap. 3
Student Hu:
Tomorrow afternoon I'll have many things to do, so would only be
able to meet you in the evening.
See you then,
-Teacher Qian

On Wed, 23 May 2007, franklin wrote:

> Dear Prof. Qian,
> I have worked for 24 hours after your telephone. Now I have made a big change in Chap.3 of my thesis.
> First I made a new catalog of Chap.3 with my own research idea. Then I rewrote the whole chapter accordding the new catalog. As a result, I added some new graphes and paragraphes related to my own research. Last I modified the Trigger Part in Chap.3 of the thesis because I haven't analysed the data with HLT Trigger.
> I don't know whether you can accept this mail in France, maybe you're in the air now. So have a good trip! Best wishes, Sincerely yours,
> Hu Zhen


作者:我要注册驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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