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主题: 我为什么说“还原论不是万能的,没有还原论是万万不能的”(1)
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作者 我为什么说“还原论不是万能的,没有还原论是万万不能的”(1)   
所跟贴 我为什么说“还原论不是万能的,没有还原论是万万不能的”(1) -- 金唢呐 - (3401 Byte) 2010-12-19 周日, 下午9:00 (1273 reads)

加入时间: 2004/02/14
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文章标题: Santa Fe Institute主要研究“complexity”,下面的简报有详细说明;Cowan的名言也在里面 (350 reads)      时间: 2010-12-20 周一, 上午5:08

作者:豆腐驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

In the early 1980s, a group of senior scientists affiliated with the Los Alamos
National Laboratories (LANL) met regularly, in part to discuss their disenchantment
with certain aspects of the scientific enterprise. One of the discussants, George
Cowan, was particularly vocal. A chemist who had done graduate work with
Eugene Wigner and was a key participant in the Manhattan Project, Cowan had
become a researcher and administrator at Los Alamos and had also served on
President Reagan’s White House Science Council. In his positions at Los Alamos,
Cowan witnessed the increased fractionation of the sciences: disciplines like
physics spawned numerous subdisciplines, each one set apart from the others.
Students of various sub-disciplines addressed different topics, used different
methods, and attended different conferences. This increasing specialization and
the dearth of interaction between different groups of scientists was not solely the
result of personal choices; in order to be successful, scientists in the late 20th
century felt compelled to specialize. As Cowan once observed, “The royal road to
the Nobel Prize has generally been through the reductionist approach.”

Cowan did not have a problem with reductionism, per se. Working on the
Manhattan Project and at LANL, he had seen it used (and often used it himself)
to great effect. However, things were beginning to seem a bit out of balance.
Cowan’s experiences on the White House Science Council were occasionally
unsettling: the board of distinguished scientists, of which he was a part, often
had difficulty addressing the broad scientific and societal problems set before
them. When doing reductionist science, Cowan noted, “You look for the solution
of some more or less idealized set of problems, somewhat divorced from the real
world, and constrained sufficiently so that you can find a solution. That leads to
more and more fragmentation of science.” On the other hand, Cowan said, “The
real world demands — though I hate the word — a more holistic approach.”

作者:豆腐驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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