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前提是开车不挂牌、警察鸣笛追随不停车,警察是因此追随进领事馆抓人的。 -- 若迷 - (144 Byte) 2010-5-01 周六, 上午12:45 (92 reads) |
加入时间: 2009/10/15 文章: 117
经验值: 3693
作者:神情迷乱 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Article 22. The premises of a diplomatic mission, such as an embassy, are inviolate and must not be entered by the host country except by permission of the head of the mission. Furthermore, the host country must protect the mission from intrusion or damage. The host country must never search the premises, nor seize its documents or property. Article 30 extends this provision to the private residence of the diplomats.
作者:神情迷乱 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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