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主题: [转贴]神奇的不是政府. 作者:经济笔记
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作者 [转贴]神奇的不是政府. 作者:经济笔记   
所跟贴 另一報道: Cold Fusion: 60 Minutes: More Than Junk Science -- xilihutu - (58 Byte) 2010-2-23 周二, 上午2:05 (181 reads)

加入时间: 2006/03/20
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文章标题: Ha ha, very funny. (187 reads)      时间: 2010-2-23 周二, 上午2:37

作者:唐好色驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


Last Sunday's edition of the CBS News program 60 Minutes was titled "Race to Fusion." It was 1989, Fleischmann and Pons are shown with the "cold fusion" test tube that would have killed them had they been right. Because they lived, the race was called off. Michael McKubre of SRI apparently didn't get the memo; he just kept doing it over and over for 20 years. Lucky for him there's still no fusion, but he says he does get heat – except when he doesn't. How does it work? He hasn't a clue, but he showed a video cartoon of deuterium defusing through palladium and said it might be fusion. In fact McKubre called it "the most powerful source of energy known to man." Whew! But wait, Dick Garwin did a fusion experiment 60 years ago; it worked all too well. Garwin thinks McKubre is mistaken. Just about every physicist agrees, so the American Physical Society was asked to name an independent scientist to examine the claims of Energetics Technology, according to 60 Min correspondent Scott Pelley. An APS statement issued Wed. says this is totally false, and the APS does not endorse the cold fusion claims on 60 Min. (Aside: This morning I thought I should watch the video on the 60 Min web site one more time. Drat! CBS took it off. No matter, there's a full transcript. Uh oh! The part where CBS says the APS picked Rob Duncan to look into the ET SuperWave is gone. CBS can change history? My God, time travel! Now that is powerful.)
APS's statement:


60 Minutes Got It Wrong

On April 19, CBS's 60 Minutes ran a segment about cold fusion, in the course of which they stated that 60 Minutes “asked the American Physical Society, the top physics organization in America, to recommend an independent scientist. They gave us Rob Duncan, vice chancellor of research at the University of Missouri and an expert in measuring energy.” As a result of this statement, a number of viewers have been left with the impression that APS endorses cold fusion. But the statement contains significant errors.

CBS never asked APS to recommend anybody, and APS did not give them anybody. They did ask Allen Goldman of the University of Minnesota, who happened to be Chair of the APS Division of Condensed Matter Physics at the time. Acting solely as an individual, and never claiming to represent either APS or DCMP, Goldman gave CBS a list of names, among whom was Rob Duncan. Despite the claim on 60 Minutes, and despite the background shot of APS headquarters that accompanied it, APS had absolutely no involvement in this exchange of information.

60 Minutes got it wrong.

作者:唐好色驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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