草虾 [个人文集] 警告次数: 1

性别:  年龄: 35 加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 1688
经验值: 10200
作者:草虾 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Reply to 2u2m and 十天一哭:[Any other one refused]
Reply to 2u2m,if 草虾当斑竹:[This is to teach u how to be a good Master]
Don’t cut! Because the 芦笛合成的阴茎 means it is made by 芦笛 who previously known the size of 2u2m then merged the toy which is just suitable for u. While 芦笛 is tired, he leave it to 润涛阎 to install it for u. It needn’t a cutting.
Cut! Because 润涛阎合成的阴茎润涛阎 means it is made by 润涛阎 who doesn’t know the size of u, but he merged an unsuitable toy then delivered to 草虾. 草虾 must cut it to a more suitable size, and then install it for u.
Reply to 十天一哭:
老二,草虾把你当女人玩,俺怕草虾忌妒。-- You are welcomed to share the bus with me. Thank you to help 2u2m installing the toy when 芦笛 & 草虾 are both busy.
Do you now 2u2m means To you To me to merge !
Just funny, don’t angry.
Sorry I am at school where is no Chinese inputting.
I suggest that you'd like to use LACHANG instead of YINJIN. That maybe gentle.
Mr Runtao Yan, would you like to accept the copy rabbit? I has felt bored with her. I'd like to bound them together at once then let them bit on their faces each others.
1. 腊月寒冬,取驴鞭,马鞭,狗鞭[可号称狼鞭]各一,洗净干缩之后,盐擦表皮,以石灰白酒腌制,
2. 隔夜再次洗净,夹杂桉叶童便,花椒八角茴香桂皮碾末,绞拧成麻花状,捆扎两头,蜂蜡涂抹,
3. 取兔肠最粗的一段,洗净烘干,加蜂蜜香油润滑,备用。
4. 三鞭合一, 穿入兔肠,复以蜂蜡封闭,再以黄泥包裹外围,晒干。腊肠即告合成。
5. 取泥封的合成腊肠,投入火坑,以松碳焙烤至泥层脱落,复以陈醋洗净,去除多余的石灰碱味。
6. 鲜鲫鱼猛火煲汤,投入香菇冬笋菜心黄豆当归黄芪枸杞虫草党参,备用。
7. 整段腊肠上笼,猛火熏蒸约20分钟,至兔肠酥软,取出凉透。
8. 腊肠切片,下油锅,中火煎至金黄,沥去余油,投入汤锅,文火煨炖6个小时。
9. 冷却以后,滤出汤汁,伴以米饭,喂猫。
10. 汤渣佐以臭豆腐,喂猪。
作者:草虾 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org _________________ 众生祈求,免难消灾障 |