xilihutu [个人文集]

加入时间: 2007/03/29 文章: 9277 来自: 美国 经验值: 298820
作者:xilihutu 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
page 84-85
When we look at photons on a large scale -- much larger than the distance required for one stopwatch turn -- the phenomena that we see are very approximated by rules such as "light travels in straight lines," because there are enough paths around the path of minimum time to reinforce each other, and enough other paths to cancel each other out. But when the space though which a photon moves becomes too small (such as the tiny holes in the screen), these rules fail -- we discover that light doesn't have to go in straight lines, there are interference created by two holes, and so on. The same situation exists with electrons: when seen on a large scale, they travel like particles, on definite paths. But on a small scale, such as inside n atom, the space is so small that there is no main path, no "orbit"; there are all sorts of ways the electron could go, each with an amplitude. The phenomenon of interference becomes very important, and we have to sun the arrows to predict where an electron is likely to be.
不用去关心什么 stopwatch 和 arrows, 那些东西用在书里的 试验中。
作者:xilihutu 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org _________________ 是你对还是我right? |