日月如跳丸﹐ The recurring sun and moon like jumping balls
經年行中天。Proceeding across the sky all the year round
四季循復去﹐ The four seasons come and go in cycles
不息如流川。Like the ceaseless current in a stream
春花雖云好﹐ Although the spring flowers are beautiful
及冬盡凋殘。They’ll all wither when winter arrives
人生譬朝露﹐ Human life resembles the morning dew
那得久喘延。How can it last long?
仙鄉不可期﹐ The God’s paradise shouldn’t be expected
世事難十全。The worldly affairs can hardly be perfect
虛度半甲子﹐ I’ve vainly spent thirty years
鬢髮行將斑。Now my hair will soon turn grey
安得乾坤手﹐ How can I get an almighty hand
攀住羲和輪﹖ To hold back the chariot of Apollo?
安得不死藥﹐ How can I get a pill of immortality
萬古駐春顏﹖ So that I can stay young forever?
歲月不可留﹐ Time cannot be detained
壯志竟何酬。How can my ambition be accomplished?
高歌歌一曲﹐ I sing a song at the top of my voice
曲罷意未休。Though the music ends, my emotions still surging