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主题: 说说我理解的次贷危机
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作者 说说我理解的次贷危机   
所跟贴 我对党派宣传无兴趣,请看我在楼下转贴的诺奖得主Stiglitz 的文章,这祸是格林斯潘闯出来的,他不相信政府调节, -- 芦笛 - (325 Byte) 2008-10-03 周五, 下午9:35 (308 reads)

加入时间: 2007/05/04
文章: 106

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文章标题: “压低利率,极其宽松的贷款政策”是“新自由主义”的主张?! (507 reads)      时间: 2008-10-03 周五, 下午11:07

作者:猞猁驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

我引的材料有时间有细节有明确的出处, 2004年那本是AEI今年才伪造的? 2005年的投票结果你也“不知道是真是假”? 1999年纽约时报的文章也是该左倾报纸收了共和党的钱、今天追加在网站上的?难道他们想给AEI增光?




July 28-Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, then chaired by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL), passed S. 190 out of Committee. The bill was passed by a party-line vote of 11-10. The bill did not reach the Senate floor for a vote.


美国打伊拉克如果违反联合国宪章, 那么此前十年的禁飞区就同样违反联合国宪章, 不然伊拉克就是先动手而美军有权自卫(self-defense),你连这个都想不明白,真够脑残的。


Our own Federal Reserve, consistent with Keynes, continues to follow an expansionist policy. High interest rates are considered bad for business. Bankers and businessmen are eager for "easy money," fostered by artificially low interest rates to spur business activity. People do not realize that non-manipulated market interest rates have an important role to play.

Bettina Bien Greaves March 1990



Milton Friedman: That's right. I would also go on to say--I--I don't change my lo--my fundamental belief. I believe we all would be better off if there had been no Fed at all but simply a computer that was grinding out a st--steady, regular increase in the amount of money…

Peter Robinson: But then how would…

Milton Friedman: …all along.

Peter Robinson: …you have handled a crisis like September 11th in that case.

Milton Friedman: I wouldn't try to handle it by--at all. Let the economy handle it. The economy will do most of the handling of it. The notion that government has to step in and handle it is a mistake because when government tries to step in and handle it, it's about as likely to make it worse as better. That's what it did in '29, the thirties. That's what it did in the twenties. That's what it--and--and after all, the Fed helped promote the bull market in the nineties by its reaction to the East Asian problems.

Peter Robinson: Right.

Milton Friedman: So, in my opinion, if you would have had nothing but a computer grinding out a steady rate of increase in the quantity of money, at something like five percent a year…

Peter Robinson: And announced to everybody…

Milton Friedman: Everybody knows it. That's what ever--you would have been--you would have had less of an upturn in the nineties, you would have less of a problem now.

其实, 只要读读弗里德曼与赵紫阳1988年会谈的内容, 就不可能以为他赞成政府(中央银行)滥发信贷、或者人民对储蓄缺乏积极性是什么好现象(恰恰凯恩斯才这样认为)。

Two Lucky People: Memoirs

1974年, 诺贝尔奖委员会对哈耶克贡献的描述

von Hayek's contributions in the field of economic theory are both profound and original. His scientific books and articles in the twenties and thirties aroused widespread and lively debate. Particularly, his theory of business cycles and his conception of the effects of monetary and credit policies attracted attention and evoked animated discussion. He tried to penetrate more deeply into the business cycle mechanism than was usual at that time. Perhaps, partly due to this more profound analysis, he was one of the few economists who gave warning of the possibility of a major economic crisis before the great crash came in the autumn of 1929.


作者:猞猁驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

上一次由猞猁于2011-7-12 周二, 下午1:01修改,总共修改了30次
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