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多谢指教,关于格林斯潘的宗教信仰,容我再查一下。 -- 芦笛 - (123 Byte) 2008-10-03 周五, 上午8:29 (230 reads) |
bystander [博客] [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 782
经验值: 8855
作者:bystander 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Rand was the founder of the school of thought known as “objectivism”, which is basically an offshoot of libertarianism.
Financial stability depends on sound monetary principles. But Greenspan turned his back on sound monetary principles when he was sworn in as Fed Chair in 1987.
Since the interest rate is the price of credit, keeping interest rates too low for too long distorts price signals and gives rise to asset bubbles. Greenspan knew it, but he had sold his soul to the devil.
作者:bystander 在 驴鸣镇 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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