海外逸士 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/15 文章: 1448
经验值: 12443
作者:海外逸士 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
紈扇揮不歇﹐ A gauze fan in no end of waving
暑氣驅復來。 Heat recurring after fanned away
萬里無雲影﹐ No trace of clouds for myriad miles
中天懸炎羲。 The hot sun hanging in the mid-sky
風伯睡正酣﹐ Aeolus is fast asleep
清涼藏其懷。 Coolness shut up in his bag
金烏施威虐﹐ Golden Crow wields its power
酷熱降塵埃。 So intense heat descends on earth
龍王念蒼首﹐ The dragon king thinks of people
駕雲從東來。 Riding on dark clouds, comes from east
墨鷹奔陽烏﹐ Like a black eagle attacking the Golden Crow
玄蓋罩火台。 Or an inky canopy covering the fiery altar
鄧姜鬥陣勢﹐ Like Deng and Jiang in battle, forming phalanxes
一片皂旗開。 The sable banners unfurling
天地忽蒼茫﹐ The sky and earth steeped in haze
昏暗籠市街。 Streets and alleys in darkness
玉帝宴群臣﹐ Jade Emperor’s feasting his courtiers
天鼓擂不停。 The celestial drums in ceaseless beating
霹靂巒岳震﹐ The thunderclaps shake mountains
隆隆山谷鳴。 The booming echoes among valleys
大擂雜輕敲﹐ Heavy drumbeats mingled with soft ones
遽奏復漸冥。 Gradually stop after sudden drumming
又燃千仞燭﹐ A candle of thousand meters high also lit
下照萬戶庭。 Shining over myriad homes below
疑拔青虹劍﹐ Suppose it’s a drawn Qinghong sword
刺向雲中鷹。 Shoved toward the eagle in clouds
雲際電蛇舞﹐ Among which electric snakes dance
穹廬一時明。 Illumining the heavenly vault bright
酒酣賞賜頻﹐ Drunk, the emperor gives away gifts
珍璣萬斛傾。 As myriad bushels of pearls pouring
打碎琉璃杯﹐ Like crystal goblets broken into tiny bits
滿空瀉瓊晶。 That plunge in crystalline torrents
應是星河溢﹐ As if the Celestial River is overflowing
化作天瀑墮。 Falling from heaven in water sheets
千縷銀絲飄﹐ Mixed with thousand silver threads down hovering
萬串珠簾垂。 Among myriad strings of pearls in screens hanging
巨燭光炫炫﹐ The giant candle is illuminant
銀花呈奇輝。 Like silvery fireworks in brilliance
宛如元宵夜﹐ On the night of Lantern Festival
焰火競放時。 As people shooting them into the sky
樓台隱煙靄﹐ Houses concealed in smoky smog
霧氣縈巉峰。 High peaks surrounded by foggy vapor
遠林溟濛裡﹐ The distant forest seen in haze
亭榭滂沱中。 Pavilions washed in heavy rains
想是御爐香﹐ Suppose the incense in imperial burner
氤氳下瑤宮。 Wafting down in mists from heavenly palace
萬象皆迷茫﹐ Everything looks hazy
景色殊矇矓。 The scenery also dimmed
良久天燈熄﹐ The celestial lamp’s off at last
又聞鼓聲稀。 The drums scarcely sound
歌舞應已歇﹐ Dancing and singing must have ended
玉帝駕欲迴。 Jade Emperor must have returned
覆盡東海水﹐ Emptying all water of East Sea in rains
龍王亦思歸。 The dragon king thinks of returning
墨鷹不堪擊﹐ The black eagle can’t withstand the blows
西遁失昔威。 Escaping west, having lost its former prowess
廉伯驚破夢﹐ Aeolus is startled out of his dream
傾囊散清風。 Letting out breezes from his bag
涼意生綠樹﹐ Coolness spreads from among the green trees
炎熱減蒼穹。 Heat diminishes in the blue vault
仙女解彩帶﹐ Fairies untie colorful girdles
彎彎掛碧空。 And hang them in a curve in the azure sky
又將倚天筆﹐ Also using a sky-high brush
畫出七色虹。 To craw the seven-colored rainbow
清風邀我出﹐ As breezes invite me to go out
信步向園東。 I take a stroll toward the east of the garden
因感送涼意﹐ Thanks for the offer of coolness
開襟為袒胸。 I unbutton my shirt and bare my chest
by the way, I published a history book titled "Empress Wu the Great"
check it on amazon.com
作者:海外逸士 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |