何为英雄 There’s a hero
扪心自问 If you look inside your heart
心中无愧 You don’t have to be afraid Of what you are
这一回答 There’s an answer
触及灵魂 If you reach into your soul
所有悲伤 And the sorrow that you know
灰飞烟尽 Will melt away
英雄独行 And then a hero comes along
肩负重任 With the strength to carry on
抛却恐惧 And you cast your fears aside
绝处逢生 And you know you can survive
面对绝望 So when you feel like hope is gone
内心坚强 Look inside you and be strong
终于明白 And you’ll finally see the truth
你是英雄 That a hero lies in you
路途漫漫 It’s a long road
面对孤独 When you face the world alone
无人援手 No one reaches out a hand For you to hold
充满爱心 You can find love
依靠自身 If you search within yourself
所有恐惧 And the emptiness you felt
消失殆尽 will disappear
英雄独行 And then a hero comes along
肩负重任 With the strength to carry on
抛却恐惧 And you cast your fears aside
绝处逢生 And you know you can survive
面对绝望 So when you feel like hope is gone
内心坚强 Look inside you and be strong
终于明白 And you’ll finally see the truth
你是英雄 That a hero lies in you
上帝知道 Lord knows......
好梦难追 Dreams are hard to follow
别让他人 But don’t let anyone
破碎你梦 Tear them away
咬牙挺住 hold on
明天将临 There will be tomorrow
路在脚下 In time you’ll find the way
英雄独行 And then a hero comes along
肩负重任 With the strength to carry on
抛却恐惧 And you cast your fears aside
绝处逢生 And you know you can survive
面对绝望 So when you feel like hope is gone
内心坚强 Look inside you and be strong
终于明白 And you’ll finally see the truth
你是英雄 That a hero lies in you
英雄是你 That a hero lies in you......
你是英雄 That a hero lies in you......