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秃公, a case you may be interested |
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秃公, a case you may be interested -- 消极 - (5813 Byte) 2007-7-25 周三, 上午7:33 (533 reads) |
加入时间: 2006/09/12 文章: 1667
经验值: 1777
作者:秃公 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
"The unusual moves prompted legal observers to speculate the district attorney considered the evidence ambiguous and wanted to be able to assure the public of a thorough investigation if he decided to drop the case without bringing formal charges. Loyola University Law Professor Dane Ciolono told the media, "Doing it this way certainly speaks to the ambiguity of the evidence and the prosecutor's deliberation as to whether to seek an indictment. . . . Or it could be that he's made up his mind that he doesn't want to bring charges and wants the grand jury to provide his cover."[12]"
Anyway, I think Dr Pou did the right thing but risked herself. The other doctor was(In WiKI)rather running away than helping the relief. Some gave an ambiguous cause of death (not saying specifically it was due to overdosage of morphine), not like what ABC said.
作者:秃公 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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