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消极大法官请进来吵架,不侃死你我不上班去了。 |
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我没有觉得有超级感染力,您说呢? -- 胖鹭鸶 - (14 Byte) 2007-7-18 周三, 上午12:44 (725 reads) |
消极 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/15 文章: 9097
经验值: 14803
"You're either with us, or against us."(Bush)
"Do not ask what your country did to you...."(a little complex ha)(JFK)
"if it's not fit, you must quit"(Simpson Trial)
"I feel your pain"(B. Clinton)
"Mao is an idiot"(Lu Di)
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