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“假话也是话” |
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“假话也是话” -- 芦笛 - (1497 Byte) 2007-7-17 周二, 上午9:51 (1398 reads) |
还乡团副 [博客] [个人文集]
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
看看文后引的M. A. K. Halliday(当今语法学大家之一)写的入门文章。为了区分grammar(a phenomenon of study)与grammatics(theory of grammar),Halliday特别举例不准确的英文用法"traditional grammar" 应该是"traditional grammatics"。不过呢,grammatics是字典里查不到的学术语言 。
英文贯用的"traditional grammar" 意义含糊不清,是不是表明英文“作为学术语言是何等不够格”?你非要把“假话也是话,但它不是真话” 当成学术语言,首先就是混淆了“自然语言”与“学术语言”这两个概念。然后你再归纳出“中文作为学术语言是何等不够格”。就这水平咋还好意思谈逻辑?
Grammar as a phenomenon of study is thus interpreted according to different theories. So as to maintain the distinction between grammar and theories of grammar, we shall call theory of grammar grammatics. The distinction is analogous to that between language and linguistics, or between society and sociology. The difficulty is that people often use the same term for both the phenomenon and its study: e.g. we speak of the "grammar of English" (the phenomenon) but also of "traditional grammar" (one theory of the phenomenon). We could clarify this situation if we called the second "traditional grammatics". Our concern here is thus with systemic-functional grammatics; and we shall illustrate how it can be used in the study of grammar with examples from the grammars of Chinese, English, and Japanese.
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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