胖鹭鸶 [个人文集] 警告次数: 1

加入时间: 2005/06/17 文章: 1695
经验值: 13053
标题: 正在看那个链接,看得头晕眼花。 (190 reads) 时间: 2007-6-05 周二, 上午1:09 |
may I take it this way?
(1) Just let the system pick out the post containing no "ZT" / "转载" in the post title and having a word count equal to or more than XX00 in the body text .
(2)enable the owner/author to move or copy the sub-posts to the designated area when the criteria is met.
(3) there is no limit for such accounts once they become valid.
That'll be great if my understanding is right. |