胖鹭鸶 [个人文集] 警告次数: 1

加入时间: 2005/06/17 文章: 1695
经验值: 13053
作者:胖鹭鸶 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Avis, jasmin varnā na ā ast, dadarka akvams, tam, vāgham garum vaghantam, tam, bhāram magham, tam manum āku bharantam.
Avis akvabhjams ā vavakat; kard aghnutai mai vidanti manum akvams agantam.
Akvāsas ā vavakant: krudhi avai, kard aghnutai vividvant-svas: manus patis varnām avisāms karnauti svabhjam gharmam vastram avibhjams ka varnā na asti.
Tat kukruvants avis agram ā bhugat.
English translation:
A sheep that had no wool saw horses -- one pulling a heavy wagon, another one a great load, and another swiftly carrying a man.
The sheep said to the horses: it pains me to see a man driving horses.
The horses said to the sheep: listen! sheep, it pains us seeing man, the master, making a warm garment for himself from the wool of sheep, when the sheep has no wool for itself.
On hearing this, the sheep fled into the plain.
作者:胖鹭鸶 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |