天一黑 [个人文集]
加入时间: 2004/02/14 文章: 2337
经验值: -63
作者:天一黑 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Dear Editor:
I am deeply bothered and troubled by your reports on
Virginia Tech Rampage. Those reports are very useful
in detailing each development in the aftermath of this
brutal massacre and sharing information with readers
around the world. However, the reports certainly put
too much attention on Cho's nationality. The reports
were full of an Asian face at the beginning of this
event and the Asian face later became a 23-year-old
South Korean Cho Seung-hui's. I wonder why it is not
23-year-old Cho Seung-hui or 23-year-old student Cho
Seung-hui just like many college or high school
shooters were described and reported? Why, in this
deadly, or to be precise, the deadliest college
shooting case, is the nationality so critical that you
have to single it out and point it out specifically,
again and again, a resident alien from South Korean, a
boy who immigrated from South Korean to US at age of
8, or mostly 23-year-old South Korean Cho Seung-hui?
Have you ever seen any report about the Columbine
shooting which identified two 15-year-old Caucasian US
citizens Eric and Dylan?
Cho came to this country as an eight year old boy, and
he grew up in this country from a young boy to a young
man. He went to a US elementary school, graduated from
a US high school and then was educated at a US
college. Why is it so important in your reports to say
South Korean Cho? If his parents or he had chosen, he
would have been a US citizen. Would it have made any
difference in this case as a resident alien or a US
No! No! No!
Look at the list of bloody college shootings which is
hyperlinked below. Those merciless killers emerged
from different backgrounds and had different skin
colors. All those killers had one thing in common:
they were described as "loners". It doesn't matter if
they are white or black, Asian or American, born US
citizen or immigrant, or legally or illegally
immigrated. They all were mentally troubled people
(at least for those college shooters), they lost
control at some point of their lives, and they went
from somewhat educated people to brutal killers (many
of them took their own lives too).
How important is it to you, and to your audience,
that South Korean Cho went to kill, not American Cho
to kill? What's the motivation behind identifying "23-
year-old student Cho" as "23-year-old South Korean
I am so sorry that such a campus rampage happened and
so many innocent people died for nothing but a
mentally unstable young man. May all of them rest in
peace. As Virginia Tech professor Nikki Giovanni
said " We will prevail" and we should prevail, but
don't lose yourself in the shock, sorrow, and pain
when facing and reporting this most deadliest college
shooting massacre. Don't ever imply that South Korean
Cho is fundamentally different from Columbine killers
Caucasian US citizens Eric and Dylan. You know they
had one thing in common: "me" against the whole world.
Not "me" against US or South Korea. Or "a South
Korean" against US. Or "South Korean" against the
Best regards,
作者:天一黑 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |