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Cho在那两小时中把一大包录象象片等寄给了NBC. |
加入时间: 2006/09/12 文章: 1667
经验值: 1777
作者:秃公 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
BLACKSBURG, Va. - The Virginia Tech gunman mailed a package of photographs, video and writings to NBC News in New York before he killed himself in the massacre that left 33 people dead, authorities said Wednesday. NBC said that a time stamp on the package indicated the material was mailed in the two-hour window between the first burst of gunfire in a high-rise dormitory and the second fusillade, at a classroom building.
"This may be a very new, critical component of this investigation. We're in the process right now of attempting to analyze and evaluate its worth," said Col. Steve Flaherty, superintendent of Virginia State Police. He gave no details on the material.
NBC said it immediately turned the package — containing what the network described as a "lengthy diatribe" from Cho Seung-Hi — over to authorities on Wednesday.
NBC would not disclose the contents beyond characterizing the material as "disturbing." The was sent to NBC News head Steve Capus.
If the package was indeed mailed between the first attack and the second, that would help explain where Cho was and what he did during that two-hour window.http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070418/ap_on_re_us/virginia_tech_shooting
作者:秃公 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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