加入时间: 2004/10/11 文章: 5307
经验值: 3142
作者:咱老百姓(真) 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
这原始的猜测来自Wiki百科全书中Sun Shuyun的一段话,Sun Shuyun是什么人?就是
个替BBC写专栏的女汉奸。但即使Wiki百科全书也只是说这是Sun Shuyun自己的一种
suggestion, 原文在这里:
Sun Shuyun, who was born in China and has made documentaries for the BBC。。。
She also suggests that the Red Army was indeed given an easy passage, but
that this was done by local warlords in defiance of Chiang Kaishek:
It seems that one of the warlords, Liu Wenhui (刘文辉), was a key figure...
When [Red Army commander] Zhu De, Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen, his fellow
Sichuanese, sent him money and a letter, asking for safe passage through
his territory, including the Luding Bridge, he happily obliged... 'Chiang
gives my army no ammunition or food, how can we fight tough battles?' he
grumbled. He told his men to put up only half-hearted resistance, and to
allow the Red Army through without much of a fight... Liu kept his contact
with the Communists ... In 1949 he mutinied, taking two other warlords with
him over to the Communists... he was made Minister of Forestry, and then
a minister in the Communist government. (Ibid.)
作者:咱老百姓(真) 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |