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nunia [个人文集]
加入时间: 2005/11/04 文章: 2184
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作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
Another Rhyme taken with Captain Rum
Democracy by Bush
supports Monopoly of Dick
Bush or Dick
how can we tell?
Thunders break
Rabbi's roar
Can't you read Hebrew?
Thou must obey
thy Supreme Commander.
Chinese Saga smile
with one finger
straight up in the air
"God is playing a joke
On America as we spake
Ah, Dick with Bush
one never get tired of
the other as long
as we understand
no ejaculation through and with
all thy might is
the only civilized way
unmanly but holy
to flourish many Ds after Bs
under Heaven on this Earth."
Then Saga puts his finger down
People saw a whitehead Eagle soared
And nobody was around
But the tomb of this
broken rhyme with Captain Rum.
作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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