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again -- 秃公 - (96 Byte) 2006-10-03 周二, 上午9:42 (262 reads) |
nunia [个人文集]
加入时间: 2005/11/04 文章: 2184
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作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
his voice is not compatible with my player...
5/5 stars 10-03-2006by forsaken_soul63628
This guy is the real deal. Anyone who says he isnt needs to learn a few things. If you have never watched a concert before then start listening. In concerts the artists move the microphone away from their mouth so the sound isnt distrorted. Thats what he does here. He isnt faking because I saw him live 5 months ago when I was in Moscow visiting some friends. That was a non-orchestral performance. This guy is the real deal. I even talked to him and asked him to do it off stage. HE DID! HE IS THE REAL DEAL!
wow indeed!!
4/5 stars 10-03-2006by bennieong
very nice, i want this song!! i know he is not faking, someone said that mic need to be close to mouth to make it real.....NO. mic have to be far from mouth when singing a very high pitch. he has the highest pitch ever! so far!
I think its his voice
5/5 stars 10-03-2006by katemoenniglover
Its a good song. I think its him. Big ups to the guy and God Bless.
well heres the question
3/5 stars 10-03-2006by faithfulservant04
does anybody know what hes saying ???
I'm an opera singer - It's real - this is a C sharp and Pavarotti used to do it
5/5 stars 10-03-2006by floofie
"Pavarotti.... At the beginning his instrument was bright, lyrical, and perfectly poised all the way up to high D; he became a megastar when he fired off a volley of nine consecutive high C's in "La Fille du Regiment." As the years passed, Pavarotti's voice darkened and deepened a little, and he was able to tackle heavier roles..."
5/5 stars 10-03-2006by frankiquilts
Wow! Awesome voice ... yes, folks, it's real. And no, it's not a woman ... this quality of the notes can only be hit by a man. He puts Jimmy Sommerville to shame.
who cares
2/5 stars 10-03-2006by rocky55442005
it might or might not be him but the fact is if so many of you could do it you would be the one on video truth is the song blew balls made no sense but it works for him so who gives a damn sing on you man with a ladies voice. and by the way to the guy who sings like that when someone grabs his balls, what kind of sick sh*t are you in to might be more like you sing like that as someone strokes in and out of your ass ha ha ha
5/5 stars 10-03-2006by havoc734
So I was impressed, and I did some research on him, and yes Vitas is a guy.... he is not Castrada, or his voice would not be able to go to it's normal singing depth...If you think that he is a chick find his website and watch the video for this song.....
5/5 stars 10-03-2006by gulnara_jafarova
Vitas is rather famous in Russia. I've heard him sing and it is actually him singing. Unfortunately he only has one or two really good songs, but I think that is his producer's/manager's fault. You could do so much with a voice like this. Julia, Dublin
I think the high notes are real...
4/5 stars 10-03-2006by blanilla_gurl
they seem like he really did it, I don't really have an explanation for WHY I think it's real, but...just a gut feeling, I guess
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作者:nunia 在 寒山小径 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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