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主题: 毛泽东革命及其语言神话和抗日话语(2)
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作者 毛泽东革命及其语言神话和抗日话语(2)   
所跟贴 主义革命的基础是书本知识(Knowledge),内心体悟则源自生命的能知(Kno -- nunia - (116 Byte) 2006-9-18 周一, 下午4:26 (276 reads)

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文章标题: fantasy ideology (248 reads)      时间: 2006-9-19 周二, 上午5:38

作者:nunia罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

"It is a common human weakness to wish to make more of our contribution to the world than the world is prepared to acknowledge; it is our fantasy world that allows us to fill this gap. Normally, for most of us at least, this fantasy world of ours stays relatively hidden, and indeed a common criterion of our mental health is the extent to which we are able to keep our fantasies firmly under our watchful control.

Yet clearly there are individuals for whom this control is, at best, intermittent; its failure results in behavior that ranges from the merely obnoxious to the clinically psychotic. The man who insists on being taken more seriously than his advantages warrant faills into the former category; the maniac who muders an utter stranger because God - or his neighbor's dog - commanded him to do so belongs to the latter.

What is common in such interactions is that the fantasist inevitably treats other people merely as props: there is absolutely no interest in, or even awareness of , others as having wills or minds of their own. The man who bores us with sotries designed to impress us with his importance or his intellect or his bank account cares nothing for us as individuals, for he has already cast us in the role that he wishes us to play: we are there to be impressed by him. Indeed, it is an error even to suggest that he is trying to impress us, for this would assume that he is willing to learn enough about us to discover how best we might be impressed. And no matter what we may be thinking of this recital, it never crosses his mind that we may be utterly failing to play the part expected of us; indeed, it is sometimes astonishing to see how much exertion is required of us in order to bring our own profound lack of interest to the fantasist's attention.
The very enormity of the required mental adjustment goes a long way toward explaining why it is so seldom made and why it is so often tragically impossible to wean a fantasist from even the most destructive fantasy. Fortunately, the fantasizing individual is normally surrounded by other individuals who are not fantasizing or, at the very least, who are not fantasizing in the same way, and this fact puts some limit on how far most of us can allow our fantasy world to intrude on the precinct of reality. But what happens when it is not an individual who is caught up in his fantasy world but an entire group - a sect, or a people, or even a nation?"
For most of history, such large-scale collective fantasies appeared on the world stage under the guise of religion. But with the coming of the French Revolution, this changed. From that event onward, there have been eruptions of a new kind of collective fantasy, one in which political ideology has replaced religious mythology as the source of symbolism and in this way has provided a new and quite dangerous, outlet for the fantasy needs of large groups of men and women.

The symobls by themselves, however, do not create the fantasy. There must first be a preexisting need for the fantasy.
Classical examples of this are easy to find: the Jacobin fantasy of reviving the Roman Republic; Mussolini's fantasy of reviving the Roman Empire; Hitler's fantasy of reviving German paganism in the thousand-year Reich.

作者:nunia罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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