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主题: 弗雷泽家的大树枝(引言)
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作者 弗雷泽家的大树枝(引言)   
所跟贴 弗雷泽家的大树枝(引言) -- Anonymous - (923 Byte) 2006-8-10 周四, 下午11:25 (956 reads)

加入时间: 2005/11/04
文章: 2184

经验值: 5079

文章标题: Author's introduction (303 reads)      时间: 2006-8-11 周五, 下午7:53

作者:nunia罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

I offer my book as a contribution to that still youthful science which seeks to trace the growth of human thought and institutions in those dark ages which lie beyond the range of history. The progress of that science must needs be slow and painful, for the evidence, though clear and abundant on some sides, is lamentably obscure and scanty on others, so that the cautious enquirer is every now and then brought up sharp on the edge of some yawning chasm across which he may be quite unable to find a way. All he can do in such a case is to mark the pitfall plainly on his chart and to hope that others in time may be able to fill it up or bridge it over. Yet the very difficulty and novelty of the investigation, coupled with the extent of the intellectual prospect which suddenly opens up before us whenever the mist rises and unfolds the far horizon, constitute no small part of its charm. The position of the anthropologist of to-day resembles in some sort the position of classical scholars at the revival of learning. To these men the rediscovery of ancient literature came like a revelation, disclosing to their wondering eyes a splendid vision of the antique world, such as the cloistered student of the Middle Ages never dreamed of under the gloomy shadow of the minster and within the sound of its solemn bells. To us moderns a still wider vista is vouchsafed, a greater panorama is unrolled by the study which aims at bringing home to us the faith and the practice, the hopes and the ideals, not of two highly gifted races only, but of all mankind, and thus at enabling us to follow the long march, the slow and toilsome ascent, of humanity from savagery to civilisation. And as the scholar of the Renaissance found not merely fresh food for thought but a new field of labour in the dusty and faded manuscripts of Greece and Rome, so in the mass of materials that is steadily pouring in from many sides--from buried cities of remotest antiquity as well as from the rudest savages of the desert and the jungle--we of to-day

作者:nunia罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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