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主题: 给老右的
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作者 给老右的   

加入时间: 2004/02/15
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文章标题: 给老右的 (674 reads)      时间: 2005-11-06 周日, 上午8:28

作者:消极罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org


同时还要看yahoo是在什么情况下给出的信息,美国是在法院传票的情况下必需给出信息的,和强制检查银行账户类似。如果yahoo单纯为了利益交换给出信息,好象是已经违反了美国法律的(电话号码在美国肯定是隐私,nationaldonotcall听说过吧,不过那好象是对私人电话的。)如果是中国法院(或者公检机构)通过正式途径获得,其他人有什么说的,至少是due process。

至于牵涉香港的问题,俺真不明白香港,不过香港还是common law吧?不打官司谁知道呢?光叫唤有什么用?那个文章中说的判例至少中国大陆还有的争,还有个肖像权的问题。美国电视一般没有得到认同的情况下会用马赛克,减少不必要的法律纠纷。


Monday, September 27, 2004

China, Google News and source inclusion
There has been controversy about our new Google News China edition, specifically regarding which news sources we include. For users inside the People's Republic of China, we have chosen not to include sources that are inaccessible from within that country. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

This was a difficult decision for Google, and we would like to share the factors we considered before taking this course of action. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

Google is committed to providing easy access to as much information as possible. For Internet users in China, Google remains the only major search engine that does not censor any web pages. However, it's clear that search results deemed to be sensitive for political or other reasons are inaccessible within China. There is nothing Google can do about this. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

For last week's launch of the Chinese-language edition of Google News, we had to decide whether sources that cannot be viewed in China should be included for Google News users inside the PRC. Naturally, we want to present as broad a range of news sources as possible. For every edition of Google News, in every language, we attempt to select news sources without regard to political viewpoint or ideology. For Internet users in China, we had to consider the fact that some sources are entirely blocked. Leaving aside the politics, that presents us with a serious user experience problem. Google News does not show news stories, but rather links to news stories. So links to stories published by blocked news sources would not work for users inside the PRC -- if they clicked on a headline from a blocked source, they would get an error page. It is possible that there would be some small user value to just seeing the headlines. However, simply showing these headlines would likely result in Google News being blocked altogether in China. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

We also considered the amount of information that would be omitted. In this case it is less than two percent of Chinese news sources. On balance we believe that having a service with links that work and omits a fractional number is better than having a service that is not available at all. It was a difficult tradeoff for us to make, but the one we felt ultimately serves the best interests of our users located in China. We appreciate your feedback on this issue. (海归论坛 www.haiguinet.com)

-- The Google Team

作者:消极罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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