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你是在搞笑吧? -- 实子 - (218 Byte) 2005-10-19 周三, 上午4:49 (384 reads) |
加入时间: 2004/03/25 文章: 2225
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作者:kai-kai 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
返回论坛 所属专题: 国政焦点
作者:人之初 标题:ZT:美国中止为NMD的进一步发展拨款 - 2005-10-18 15:12 (24 reads)
新动向:美国中止为NMD的进一步发展拨款 (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
这是一个重要的动向。布什第一任上台时,有三个大的政策:打伊拉克,国家导弹防御(NMD),减税。现在伊拉克打下来了,但是比没有打下来还遭,一头扎进这个深不见底的泥潭里(比西西河还深);减税没减多少,赤字呼呼地往上涨;至于这个NMD,说是对付朝鲜,骗鬼吧。开始还试验几次,现在声音也没有了,这不,索性下马了。当然,不会用下马这个说法的,但是试验性的东西,不进则退,不继续开发到实用阶段,和下马无异。 (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
布什为代表的新保守派原先想乘美国一强独大的机会,赶紧建立美利坚帝国,尤其是先下手为强,除掉伊拉克,剪除世界上违拗美国意志的中小国家,扫清外围,然后收拾中国。结果大大高估自己的实力,包括对伊拉克人民的道德力量和对盟国的号召力,外围没有扫清,中国眼看就要坐大,伊拉克这个大黑洞,把美国的财力吸得那个干净,现在连NMD也只好悄悄放弃了。 (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
U.S. gives up on upgrading missile defense (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
Published October 13, 2005 (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
WASHINGTON -- Lawmakers say the Bush administration has decided to abandon efforts to improve its current system of ground-based ballistic missile interceptors. (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
"After many years of investment in this midcourse interceptor, (the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency) has now essentially decided that the first generation (ground-based interceptors) will also be its last generation," said the Senate Committee on Appropriations in a report accompanying its version of the 2006 defense appropriations bill. (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency continues to seek billions to develop and deploy the interceptors, including up to 40 in Alaska by the end of 2007 and some in Europe after that, but the committee said it had abandoned plans for further improvements to the interceptor currently being deployed -- a process known as "spiral development" in which systems are deployed before they are fully developed and then upgraded as technology improves. (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
The committee also said the agency was seeking to separate the interceptor from other parts of the midcourse intercept program, including its advanced radar and command and control systems, according to National Journal's Global Security Newswire. (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
The report, published last week, said the decision would risk wasting much of the time and money already invested. (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
"This approach would fail to capitalize on the years of previous investment and technology development in a decreasing budgetary environment," it said. (海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
A spokesman for the Missile Defense Agency told Global Security Newswire it would not comment on the report until after the appropriations bill is finalized later this fall.(海纳百川 www.hjclub.com)
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到了求助于 Intelegent Engineer 的时候了。 -- 水蛮子 - (0 字) 2005-10-18 15:23:03 (2 reads)
求什么都没用 -- 人之初 - (10 字) 2005-10-18 15:40:06 (10 reads)
当年里根把老苏给坑了 -- 人之初 - (9 字) 2005-10-18 15:15:27 (8 reads)
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笔名: kai-kai
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