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主题: One final question--by Reed Flute 一个最后的问题(葡萄皮试译)
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作者 One final question--by Reed Flute 一个最后的问题(葡萄皮试译)   

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文章标题: One final question--by Reed Flute 一个最后的问题(葡萄皮试译) (474 reads)      时间: 2003-10-09 周四, 下午11:42

作者:葡萄皮罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

Reed Flute


As you guys already know, I talked to the minister of the National Security yesterday over the phone and he ordered me to quit the web. So this time I am really leaving. But before I go, I have to ask the last question.


I noticed that NQVQ (I hope I got his name right) wrote a piece entitled "Burning Finger(s)" that earned a deafening applause from his comrades. As always, I did not open it --- how could I be so cruel to my weak stomach? But I got some vague idea from Pu Taopi's piece. Just a brief glimpse was enough for me to pay attention to one point he raised..


If I understand correctly (which I am not sure of, as I did not read the original text), according to Mr NQVQ, those who are earning their bread in the USA have no right whatsoever to criticize neither the US government nor the American social system.


Am I right, Mr NQVQ? Is this your burning finger, or more precisely, burning hatred?


So if I live in a country, I will automatically lose the right to criticize anything in that country. Instead, I can only shake my tail like a docile and grateful dog whose only purpose of life is to please its master?


Is this what you call "democracy", or your burning conscience?

这是你所说的”民主” ,还是你的燃心?

Well, I can certainly live with that. Nonetheless, I still want to know what the current noise surrounding Miss Liu Di is all about. According to your burning conscience, she has no right to complain about anything that happens in China, since she lives there, doesn't she?


Another thing. Are you saying that the commies did a right thing by deporting dissidents or forcing them out of China? No wonder loads of people have suddenly become extremely courageous, now that they finally become entitled to criticize the commies as they stop earning their livings in China.


What a great theory! What an intellectual wonder!


Still, this glorious theory sounds a bit gutless. Maybe I am a bit dirty-minded (as a result of communicating with Children of China's Conscience), but it seems to me that you are in effect advocating a theory that one can only criticize something when he is safe. So you can criticize the USA only if you are not in the USA. Likewise, you can criticize the commies only when they cannot get hold of you.


And you call this your burning conscience and burning courage! You've made me speechless, sir.


Again, I can certainly live with this incredible miracle of heroism. But I must admit, you do worry me, sir.


Imagine: a quick learner of your great theory goes and asks Mr Gao Han: "How can you beg money from those reactionary capitalists and use it to propagate Marxism and organize world revolution to overthrow the global capitalism? You are biting the hand that is feeding you!"


Worse still: What if the commie spies currently swarming at the web site where you are active are inspired both by this noble ethic code you proposed and by the brilliant moral example set by Mr Niu Lehou, and decide to report Mr Gao Han to FBI?


Now let us see if you can circumvent (rao3guo4, as you put it) your "conscience" which seems to be the best-seller these days. To be honest, I have never dreamed that something like conscience is for sale like cosmetics.


Have a very good sale, sir.


作者:葡萄皮罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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