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主题: What's wrong with me, or them? 是我的错,还是他们的错?(葡萄皮试译)
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作者 What's wrong with me, or them? 是我的错,还是他们的错?(葡萄皮试译)   

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文章标题: What's wrong with me, or them? 是我的错,还是他们的错?(葡萄皮试译) (507 reads)      时间: 2003-10-03 周五, 上午12:53

作者:葡萄皮罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org



What's wrong with me, or them? 是我的错,还是他们的错?(葡萄皮试译)

Reed Flute


Yesterday I was too busy to complete my article "How to interpret China's Conscience". I do apologize to "ludi" (Lu's enemies) for having let them down. I will definitely complete it tonight ("Not tonight, Josephine," Napoleon says. "Yes tonight, ludi," Ludi says).

昨天太忙了所以没能完成“如何诠释中国良心”这篇文章。让 “芦敌”们失望了,我道歉。今天晚上一定会把它写完(拿破仑说:“约瑟芬,今天晚上不成” 。芦笛说:“芦敌,对的,就在今夜”)。

Before I came to work, I managed to browse the web briefly and saw someone analyze my psychology again. According to him, I have behaved strangely since I "left" the Traitors' Forum.

工作前,照例的,先简单的浏览了一下网上留言,看到有人又在分析我的心理。根据他的讲法,说,自我“离开” 汉奸论坛后变得怪异了。

Ha! Ha! That is another vivid display of the incredible Chinese idiocy. Nothing is wrong with me, but THEM! Indeed, there has been a great change in my topic since I "left" that stupid place, but this is because the restraints imposed on me have been removed. Now I can say anything I want and enjoy freedom of speech to the full extent. Back in there, the master cracked his whip every now and then, and I had to watch out very carefully, in case I did something that jeopardized the forum which I was stupid enough to regard as a common cause of us.

哈!哈!又一个“惊天动地中国式愚蠢”的鲜明例证 。我一点儿都没错,错的是他们!要不是离坛前,我刻意减少坛方的困扰,那会有那幺多“我离坛”后的纷纷扰扰。现在,我能说任何事,得到又享受着充分的言论自由。那个地方,版主不时嗤牙裂嘴,我必须很小心的不要去做,危及论坛的事。而那些不过是,我笨到去关心一些论坛自身的事。

In short, I was born to be a free horse, destined to gallop in the wilderness. Then they tried to harness me, put an unbearable yoke on my shoulders, drive me to drag the damn wagon, and take tremendous fun from whipping me. It had been most stupid of me to be so obedient to their abuse before I finally felt enough was enough. Now that I am a free man, of course I speak out loudly so as to empty all those words that has been accumulating in my heart.


Is this really strange, sir?


Besides, I did not leave voluntarily. I was first drove off by sexual harassment, then banned from coming back infinitely. Not only did Master 16 exclaimed hysterically : "kick Ludi out of this forum forever!", but also Master 07 fabricated the crime. And they did this to me using MY MONEY!


Even so, I am not resentful at all. On the contrary, I am tremendously amused, for I have become the skeleton in their cabinet. I represent the only case of political persecution that has ever happened in the free world. To everyone with a fair conscience, the fate of my article becomes the permanent irony to their slogan of "tolerating all political opinions as the sea accommodates all rivers and streams", and the name of "Ludi " symbolizes their eternal disgrace and shame, revealing their dark consciences to everyone with eyes.

即使如此,我一点也不怨恨。相反的,使我成为他们橱柜中的活标本,让我大乐。我代表着,从未在自由世界中发生过的政治迫害案例。对每个公正道义的人来说,我的文章成为他们“海纳百川” 的永恒反讽,真是天数。芦笛的名号象征着他们永恒的丢脸与耻辱,使每个长眼睛的人都能看到他们黑暗的良心。

So, as long as I am active on the web, I always remain the hottest potato on their hands. Indeed, who on earth can possibly explain the bizarre fact that NONE of my pieces can ever enter the list of key articles (daodu)?


I could not imagine any punishment more severe and long-lasting than this. Ha! Ha!


That gentleman also observed that I was disserted by web bugs (wang min). He might be right. But who cares? I could have kept my fame, much easier than anyone else. All I had to do was to act like those upright actors and actresses, playing the role of the most talented anti-Communist warrior. Had I stuck to that line, I dare say nobody could ever outdo me, as none of them is half as talented as I am.

绅士们也许注意到,我被一些网虫(网民)所议论着。也许 他说的对,谁在乎?我比任何人都能更容易的保护我的声誉。我所需作的动作只要像那些笔挺的男女演员罢了,扮演好最天才的反共战士脚色。一如以往,我敢说没人能胜过我。他们中也没人拥有我一半的才智。

But that would have betrayed my belief and conscience. George Orwell says:

"If liberty means anything at all, it means to tell people what they do not want to hear."


For as long as I live, I will live up to these words and never, ever become the obedient parrot singing the lines given by the master. The masters of the Traitor's Forum wanted me to tell people what they want to hear, having forgotten that they did not have the power of the Party. Inevitably, all they have achieved is not only victimizing and martyring me forever.

只要活着一天,我就信奉这些名言,永不绝不像鹦鹉学舌般看斑竹眼色行事。汉奸论坛的斑竹要我说些他们想听的话,忘了他们根本没这权力。无可避免的,他们所能作的就只有永久的让我消失 。

In the future, many, many years after my death, when the Chinese finally come to their senses and realize the value of my works, they will memorize me as well as those sham "masters" who have played dirty tricks first to force me to please readers then to silence me.


作者:葡萄皮罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
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