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主题: Let's play the spy game 大家来玩间谍游戏(译者:葡萄皮)
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作者 Let's play the spy game 大家来玩间谍游戏(译者:葡萄皮)   

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文章标题: Let's play the spy game 大家来玩间谍游戏(译者:葡萄皮) (510 reads)      时间: 2003-9-23 周二, 上午4:04

作者:葡萄皮罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org

送交者: by芦笛 于 北京时间 00时 9/23 (37 hits )

主题:Let's play the spy game

[博讯论坛] Note:

I am sorry I can only write the following piece in English as I have uninstalled the Chinese software from the computer at my office. I apologize for my poor English. Any corrections, especially by Ping Zheng and Niu Lehou, the prestigious English experts, are expected and will be appreciated. Also, Pu Toupi is welcome to translate it, if he likes.



Let's play the spy game



It is well-known and doubtless (zhongsuozhouzhi, wuyongzhiyi) that nowadays the "spy game" has become the favorite tactics of the warriors of the so-called "pro-democracy movement". Anyone who dares to defy or question their authority inevitably ends up as a CCP spy and/ or a running dog, with a dark conscience, etc, etc,

大家都知道且毫无疑义的(众所周知,无庸置疑),就是时下这“间谍游戏” 已经成为所谓“民主运动”战士最爱的战术。任何胆敢挑战质疑他们权力的人,不可避免的,最后会被看作黑心的中共的间谍(而且/或)是走狗,等等。。

This is the "justice" and "conscience" they are upholding for the poor Chinese people. Unlike the equivalents we see in the West, they kill.


Well, if justice and conscience are to be designed to kill people indiscriminately, fine by me. Born into a cruel society, I have been used to this kind of dirty tricks. So let us follow the brilliant moral example these freedom warriors set for us. Let's play the game and play it right.


As we have noticed, whilst the freedom warriors are presenting their spy cases, they frequently forget one little thing: evidence. Not only that, they even cannot present their arguments (that is to say, it swear words or insults can be called "arguments") in a logical way so as to persuade the audience. Therefore, I find it my duty to set an eloquent example for them so that they could learn something using their pitiful wits (I wish they were not half wits but full wits).



Indisputable case 1: Mr Hu Anning

无可辩驳 事例1:胡安宁先生

No doubt, this guy is certainly a big, big CCP spy. Please refer to the poster he produced yesterday and read it carefully. Now what have you found? Proof for this accusation!


In that poster, he admits that when he was in China, he was told that He Ping was a CCP spy. Any person with a brain would ask: Who could let him know this kind of top secret? The Minister of the National Security Ministry, of course. Why could he be allowed to access this kind of confidential information? Because he was a key spy trusted wholeheartedly by his big boss!


Is there any logic flaw here? Mr Hu, please take your time, think carefully before you speak, then defend yourself and give us a plausible explanation. Unlike yqy, Gao Han and you, I am a reasonable guy, ready to adjust my opinions if they prove wrong.

有任何不符逻辑的地方吗?胡先生,请花点时间,仔细想想先前你说的话,然后在不暴露自身安全的情形下给我们一个合理的解释。 不像yqy,高寒和你,我是通情达理的人,如果我所说的话被证明是错误的,我会改变我的看法。

Indisputable case 2; Mr Gao Han

无可辩驳 事例1:高寒先生

Yesterday, Mr Gao Han ordered Mr 2u2m to report his spy number issued by the Ministry of National Security. Any person with a decent brain would become suspicious: what for? Even if Mr 2u2m were a spy, what would be the use of having his number? It's not a lottery number, is it?


Mr Gao Han, please take a deep breath before you speak and give us a plausible explanation for such weird behavior. Thank you very much for your co-operation.


The only logical explanation, as it appears to me, is that Mr Gao Han is actually a big CCP spy under cover. The reason why he asked that weird question was that he suspected 2u2m was his subordinate. Very unfortunately, they clashed owing to lack of communication and he was receiving "friendly fire" as a result. Therefore, he asked the question to clarify the situation, as soldiers would ask for passwords to make sure they would not fire at friendly troops.


So the question actually reads: "I am your boss. Don't fire at me!"

Unfortunately for Mr Gao, 2u2m was not his subordinate and was therefore totally confused by Gao's unexplainable behavior. So much so that he even thought Mr Gao was out of his mind! What a misunderstanding!

所以问的实际是:”我是你老板。不要向我开火!” 可怜的高寒,2u2m不是他的下属因而造成高寒不可理喻的行为完全失控。如此这般2u2m甚至认为高寒是发疯了!天大的误会阿!


Now the defendants can take the floor and give us a thorough explanation.

Again, the world is holding it's breath, waiting



作者:葡萄皮罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
阅读会员资料 葡萄皮离线  发送站内短信
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