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萨达姆像倒塌,萨斯肆疟及北韩核讹诈 |
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萨达姆像倒塌,萨斯肆疟及北韩核讹诈 -- Anonymous - (4888 Byte) 2003-4-26 周六, 上午11:41 (1040 reads) |
winman [博客] [个人文集]
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org
My opinion:
The best outcome for the US( or anybody ) would be the collapse of the North Korean regime. Therefore, the US should cut-off any economical aid toward North Korea and pressure other countries to do so. The US has to convince Chinese Government( for whose aid the North Korea is completely depended upon ) that the consequences of its continued support of the North Korean regime are going to be more undesirable. For that purpose, the US needs to declare withdraw from South Korea at the same time of cutting-off the aid. The move will push other nation namely China, Russia, South Korea and Japan on the forefront of resolving the crisis.
The US also need to make clear to all other nations that sale of nuclear weapons to al Qaeda, other terrorists or rogue regimes by North Korean regime will undoubtedly be intercepted by force therefore perhaps trigger a nuclear war with North Korea. Of course, if the war is provoked by North Korea all the nations in that region but not necessary the US stand to lose for their failure to block North Korea's nuclear sales.
Speaking about Chinese government I believe they have conflicted interest with the US. They take great pride of "defeating" the world's greatest power in Korean War. As one of biggest arguments for their legitimacy they stressed over and over again by defeating the US they erased all the shames that China incurred because of invasion of western powers during the 100 years before they came to power. Therefore raise the "prestige" of the nation and Chinese people. A lot of Chinese bought in that argument. A total failure of North Korea which China fought for and continuously supporting will be a slam on the face of communist government therefore undermine their own legitimacy.
作者:Anonymous 在 罕见奇谈 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.org |
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